My life with Boo

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'School, again.....' I thought as I looked up at the board. Mrs Tunip was dronig on about equations and algebra, I wasn't having any of it. I was slowly drifting of to sleep but then I was hit on the head with I flying paper bomb from Branden my best friend.'Keep awake sleepy head. Prince charming can't get you yet. xxx' I laughed to myself and blew him a kiss. He pretended to catch it and put it in his pocket. We both gave each other a secretive chuckle.

"Temaya you guys are soo cute. Why don't you just start dating?? " May asked

"Cause, we're just friends and I'm not ruining that relationship, I should just set you guys up with each other." I replied poking her in that. But then again he was quite hot, standing at 6'3' he was the perfect height. His piercing blue eyes that were always behind a pair of Superman glasses, captivated the hearts of many girls inside and outside of school, leaving him with a large fan club. And trust me i wouldn't want a fan club that big, going out with him would be hell also I'm sure that May had a little thing for him, so I was gonna try and get them together. After what felt like hours the bell rung, and I could finally leave the class. Mrs Tunip made me stay behind, did she really want to torture me that much.

"The headmaster wants to see you." That's all she said and I headed off to his office. Once I was there I saw a few other people in my year waiting in the lobby. Jessica, Aiden, Nana, Casper and Roxy to be exact.

Jessica was just the standard girl she had long, blond, wavy hair. She was captain for about any sport possible. She was also my ex-best friend but we had a huge argument and now we're not even on neutral ground. Aiden was really smart, he had dark brown, slightly curly hair that was a tad bit too long. But he had serious swag. He always looked good and had a beautiful smile, I had a tiny crush on him last year. Nana had dark-brown, curly hair. She was an international student from Hawaii and standing at 5'8 she could easily become a model. Casper had a mini afro and really cute nerdy glasses. He was into his music and just sat there with his headphones on. He gave me a little nod as I walked in. Roxy had shoulder leangth red hair that was in ringlets. She was reading breaking dawn for about the 100th time, she looked up and waved at me, she was about the only person I knew properly and I sat next to her.

The headmaster opened the door and beckoned us in.

"You six," he said noding at each of us in turn,"have been chosen to go to birmingham and go to a convention there, because a very close friend of mine gave me a few tickets and I was feeling quite generous. By the way its this Friday and Saturday, so I suggest u tell your parents and get ready." He finished smiling at us, while giving us consent forms. He excused us and once we left me and Roxy turned to each other. We were both wondering if it was the twilight convention that we both wanted to go to. And if it was Booboo Stewart was going to be there. I was in love with him and it was my dream to meet him.

A/N hey guys, this is a book i hope I will actually proper continue on because it is fun. I just noticed how short this chapter is so I'll just call it an introduction for now and I'll try and make chapters longer with more detail. ★ I will try and update as much as possible but im still in school and have a music exam soon. Hope u like it so far.

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