Rushed wedding

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On reaching Vanshika, the city, and capital of Vansh, they were welcomed with firecrackers and flower petals. The castle was on the top of a hill and the way to it through a curved road encircling the local shops and houses. It was enormous and lavish. Everyone was looking at Vani with awe. Vani was curious at the glances she was getting. There were whispers all around; the older people were looking at her suspiciously.

They reached the gates of the castle where loud drums and trumpets were playing. People were dancing. Vani couldn't understand why there were so many festivities. But she picked to stay tight-lipped and observe. At first, everyone seemed happy but looking closer there was something amiss.

As they entered the castle, she was awestruck. It was gigantic. Behind the gates, there was a narrow concrete path with big walls on the both side which lead to the open area where soldiers were standing with their swords ready. The path divides into two one going to the right and other to the left. She got down there along with Aditya. The reins of horses were taken from their hands and were led to the right-side path. There must be a stable on the right-hand side. Aditya took Vani's hand in his and led her. The main hall was decorated with beautiful paintings. There were real precious stones carved into the paintings. Pillars were coated with gold and silver. A huge table filled with food and desserts was placed in the middle. After a long journey, a welcome site.

They took their seats on the table when Vani noticed that Smarth was looking at the food and feeling miserable. It was strange.

"Eat my love," Aditya asked her. Urging her to try different delicacies while telling her about the castle and its history.

Vani listened to his mesmerizing stories and smiled.

After eating, Aditya showed her the castle. He led her to a room situated in the north-east of the castle. The panoramic view of the whole city was visible from its window. From the top of the hill, the city seemed so far that the lamps lit in the houses looked like there were stars on the ground

She met her chamber maids Vibha and Poornima. They prepared her a hot bath. It was all new for her. Someone was helping her with everything. She just had to sit and let them do everything. As per her education, she knew and believed that a person at the high station should always be humble.

She made both sit down and told them to treat her like a friend.

"But you are going to be a princess soon, and we are just chambermaids," Vibha said. Poornima and Vibha looked at each other.

"Yes, someday I may. Right now, I am a normal person and not a royalty just like you. So, treat me like one of you," Vani replied.

"Sure, but you are nothing like us. You are so beautiful," smiled Poornima while combing Vani's long and beautiful hair.

After getting ready Vani stepped out of her room. She was wearing a light pink colored gown with gold embroidery. The material was thin and soft. It accentuates her curves. She was also wearing light jewelry, a diamond necklace, a bunch of gold bangles and anklets. Vibha and Poornima were looking at her as if they have never seen anyone like her. She decided to take a round of the castle on her own. 'This is going to be my home someday.' She moved towards the west side. There were big paintings and portraits on the walls. They were beautiful.

She heard a voice like someone was crying out for help. She went in that direction when she heard footsteps approaching her from behind.

She turned back to find Aditya standing there looking at her.

He gave her an appreciated nod on which she blushed.

He took her hand in his right hand and placed his left on top of hers.

Princess in Exile/ Sacrificial Thrones Part 1Where stories live. Discover now