Volleyball?(Jason Grace)

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Requested by Reynico13, thanks for requesting, I'm super sorry it's extremely late...

"Have you ever played volleyball before?" The woman asked you and to be honest, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes and nodded instead. She hummed and tapped her pen on her lips. You were just now trying out for volleyball and there were a couple students on the bleachers, watching the girls that knew they had a garenteed spot on the team play.

You recognized your friend, Annabeth, on the bleachers next to her boyfriend, Percy, smiling at you and Percy shot you a thumbs up. You gave them an iffy smile and looked back at the coach.

"Do you mind playing against one of the girls on the team? That'll be the last decider," She asked.

"Right," You mumbled, heading to the left side of the net. A girl came to the left side with you and two girls were across the net from you. Of your little group of friends, none of them played volleyball, you weren't sure they played a sport other than when you went to camp in the summer.

"Start," The coach blew her whistle and the ball went in the air.


"You're very sweaty," Leo wrinkled his nose in protest to the smell as you grabbed your bag, rolling your eyes.

"Whatever Leo," You laughed, pulling your shirt up a little to reapply your deodorant. "Where's Jason? I didn't see him when I was trying out,"

Leo shrugged, his curls bouncing on top of his head. "Maybe he decided to keep the image of you all sweaty and stinky out of his head."

"Leo?" You asked, putting your bag in your locker.

"Yeah?" He responded, leaning on the locker next to it.

"Give me a hug," The words had barely gotten out of your mouth before his eyes had widened and he'd started down the hall.

"No way! You're crazy if you think I'm going to do that!" He stumbled backward and into the very person you'd been speaking of. Jason's arms wrapped around Leo's chest, holding him off the floor as Leo's feet gave out under him.

"Hey, Jason, we were just talking about you!" Leo excitedly told the taller boy and you crossed your arms over your chest. "All good things, all good things."

"Nice going Valdez," He winked at you, popping some finger guns before spinning on his heel and walking down the hall with an extra bounce in his step, calling over his shoulder.

"Maybe he did want to see you stinky and sweaty after all!"

You groaned, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms before you looked at Jason who rubbed his neck, biting his lip and fiddling with the corner of his glasses.

"Where were you?" You questioned him skeptically and he let out a nervous laugh, shaking his head.

"Where was I?" He responded and you lifted your eyebrows. "Oh, um, never mind, listen, when's your next game, I'd like to come,"

Your heart fluttered in your chest and then sunk rapidly. Jason wanted to come to your first game! But what if he didn't like the way you looked? What if he thought you were gross, all sweaty? You tried to hide the slight panic in your expression.

"Right, my game... It's tomorrow," His eyes widened at your words and you bit your lip.

"I'll be there," Now it was your turn to widen your eyes.

"You will?" His face broke into a smile.

"Of course, you are my friend after all aren't you? I can't miss my friend's first game,"


You paced as you awaited the start to your first game. Annabrth and Percy had come by to see you earlier, claiming to save a whole bleacher row for your friends. Leo was leaned on the wall next to you, his hands tinkering with a pipe cleaner, his hunched over frame causing his hair to fall into his face.

"Leo," You whined, pausing in front of your Latino friend. He glanced up at you, his eyebrows raised in confusion. "Where's Jason? You said you saw him earlier..."

"Y/N, I'm sure everything is fine, you're overthinking," He responded, pushing off the wall and shoving the pipe cleaner in his pocket. "Jason is probably just running late, maybe he was buying those things you put up your nose so you can't smell anything!"

You glared, punching him lightly in the shoulder, making him grimace. "Whatever Valdez, I have five minutes before my game,"

"Y/N!" You turned around, Jason coming toward you, his cheeks beet red and his glasses in his hands as he wiped the lenses on his shirt hem.

"Jason," You responded quietly and Leo elbowed you in the ribs, earning a glare.

"Sorry I got held up, Frank and Hazel wanted me to tell you that they couldn't make it at all, and I only have a limited amount of time before I have to go to, so I needed to tell you I can't watch your whole game and-"

"Jason, it's fine," You said this though your heart was in your stomach. "How long before you have to go?"

His eyes flicked to the clock above Leo's head before look back to you sadly. "Two minutes at most."

"Oh," Was your quiet reply and he frowned a little before quickly smiling and pulling you toward him into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, I'm sorry I can't watch your first game, but I promise you one thing L/N, and that's that I'll be at every game after this in the front row to cheer you on," You smiled at his words.

"And I'll be in the front row next to him, but not to cheer you on, to try and trip you more so," Leo added behind you and Jason chuckled, releasing you from your hug.

"Leo can cheer on my behalf tonight, any other times it'll be me,"

"I don't like being put in commitments that I wasn't planning on doing on my own Sparky,"

You laughed a little at Leo's words before squeezing Jason's arm. "It's fine, as long as you're at the rest of them, it's fine,"

"Trust me," He answered. "I will be,"

So, hi... It's been a while.. I'm sorry this is so late, I have the 1st place trophy for procrastination... I hope this makes up for it though..

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