March 11

523 19 12

I'm so sorry I didn't tell you what happened hopefully I didn't scare anyone!! So the REALLY cute guy actually showed up! I was trying to find a way out and panicking that he wouldn't come and all of a sudden a huge "bang" came out of nowhere and he had something connected to a huge rock that was keeping me from leaving but he pulled it so hard that the rock came out and I was freed. Then he saw me, in shock he backed away and I just realized what happened so I don't know why but I fainted, at least that's what he told me. As I was sinking to the bottom on the blue deep ocean I felt him carrying me. It must've been hard, my tail is so heavy! Then I woke up on the beach and he looked at me as if I was the most beautiful amazing thing he ever saw. He had so many questions and he was so handsome sitting there I just instantly fell in love with him as he did with me!❤️ His name is Ron!! He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and the for a couple hours we talked about each other but he seemed to like me for who I am, not because I'm a mermaid we both saved each other's lives. Did I not tell you yet!!!! I'll tell u later bye, Sterling!!💙

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