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Oh my gawdddd. Jake freaking Paul just walked up and talked to me.

"Y-yeah, that's me. H-how did you know t-that?"

I stutter when I get nervous, embarrassed, shy, or excited.

"I've seen your videos on YouTube. They're pretty funny!" Jake said.

Jake Paul watches my videos?!

"I w-watch your videos, too. You're good at m-making me laugh." I say.

"That's good to know. Anyways, what are you doing in the corner? I've seen you in your vlogs, you're a pretty social girl!" Jake asked.

"Oh, um... I get n-nervous around people who are better than me at things." I said.

"What? You're better at YouTube than half the creators here."

Wow. That was so nice. Is Jake Paul... flirting with me?

"T-thanks" I say. I look down and a tear rolls down my cheek so he can't see.

Jake takes his hand and lifts up my chin so our eyes meet. "Why are you crying?" he says.

"N-nobody is ever... ever this nice to me. I get a lot of hate on YouTube." I said, holding back another tear.

"Really? You're so nice, a beautiful girl like you doesn't deserve any of that."

Did Jake just tell me I was beautiful?! Damn.

"That means a lot. Damn he's beautiful too."

Jake laughs.

"Wait, did I just say that out loud?!" My cheeks turn from neutral to red in a second. I laugh too.

"Sorry, sometimes I accidentally say my thoughts instead of well... thinking them." I laugh. So did he.

"Hey so, I was thinking that maybe we should hang out sometime. Maybe make some videos together." said Jake. He starts blushing. It's so cute.

"Wow, yeah! That would be awesome!" I say.

"Here, give me your phone."

I was so in love with him that I just did what he said. Handing him my phone, I wait for him to be done with it, wondering what he's doing.

He hands me my phone back.

"Text me." Jake says. He winks at me and walks away. I check my phone and it says: 'New contact added: Jake Paul.'

I look back at my phone and it says 7:30. We chatted for 30 minutes. Was it really only for 30 minutes? It felt like forever. I guess I just got lost in his eyes, his smile, his laugh... I got lost in Jake.

For some reason, Jake boosted my confidence. I walk around, introducing myself to almost everybody there. I met a lot of people who I've wanted to meet my entire life. Ones who inspired me to start YouTube. I look across the room and see Jake, smiling at me.

At this point, I'm wondering where Addie is. Then I see her stumble over to me and almost fall over. "Let's get you home." I say. She falls into my arms, completely passed out. Jake runs over and whispers "Hey, do you need help getting her out to the car?"
"Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks so much." I say.
I take her legs, and he takes her arms. We walk out to the car and plop her onto the passenger seat and strap her in. I close the door.

I turn around to see Jake standing in front of me, just centimeters apart. He leans in, and our lips meet. At first I'm shocked, but I kiss back. I laugh, and so does he. We pull apart. I hear a third laugh.

"Addie?!" We both yell.

"Uh... did you just see that?" Jake says, scratching the back of his neck, his cheeks red.

"Yep. Saw the whole thing, and I didn't regret one moment of it. I ship you guys. How about 'Jawn' or 'Dake'?" said Addie, drunk and excited.
We all just laugh.

"Well, that was a really fun night. Thanks for coming!" said Jake.

"I had sooo much fun. Thanks so much for being there for me." I say.

"Anytime." Jake says.

I smile and get in the car. Best. Night. Ever.

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