The Hormones Were Real

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So my dot was coming soon and last night I did not have my emotions under control. It was pretty funny looking back on it though. So after school I came home and I was going to shoot archery in the backyard with dad but he seemed busy so I went to my bed and slept. I intended for one of my parents to wake me up but that didn't happen until it was six pm and was getting dark outside. I started crying because I was so devastated I didn't get to shoot with dad. So then I slept some more while they went to Paisano's (a pizza place right around the corner from out neighborhood) because I had asked for some pizza there. I woke around ten pm. While I slept I had a spectacular dream including my crush from school. So that perked me up some as I went out to eat the pizza they brought home for me. As I sat down at the table I started crying again for NO reason whatsoever. Then mum talked to me and asked if I was okay all that stuff. I suddenly remembered the dream then and started to tell her about it. The tears left but she said something insignificant in the middle and for some reason I started crying again. I recognized my mood swing which was funny so I started laughing and crying at the same time. It took a while to eat the rest of the pizza. Yeah. Then I stayed up until five or six am because I had slept right after school. I cried on and off during that time for unknown reasons. I finally went to bed when the birds outside started to wake up.

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