Thanksgiving Day 2015

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My day started when mum kept coming in my room trying to get me out of bed. I eventually did at around ten and got dressed, brushed me teeth, all that stuff. I went to the kitchen what was going on with everything. I watched the last bit of the parade, but then a family member turned it to another channel so I could see more of it. Then like every other year I watched the dog show. I find it really funny when she points at the screen and says "Look! It's the mop haired dog!" Or "Oh my gosh! It looks like it's a bat with legs!" Or "It has to take a hundred steps every one of hers!" It always nice. Then we ate at two. As usual, all of these were on the menu: turkey, cranberries, green beans, carrots, mashed potatoes(boil 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew) with gravy, rolls, stuffing. The carrots are cooked with some sort of seasoning on them. The rolls my sister and I call butt rolls. Mum sticks two little balls of dough together and when they cook and rise or whatever it looks like a butt from the top. I don't like turkey much. I ate four very small pieces. Oh, afterwards I had pumpkin pie. Everyone else was full. LB(my sister) and I then watched some show with cats and Alberts after washing the dishes. Then I took a nap after brushing my teeth. Yes, very exciting, I know. This is the first year our grandma has not joined us. She has had a couple strokes and is in a nursing home near us. It's kind of sad. I miss her. You have to understand that if I told my family that I missed her old self, they'd think I'm crazy which they sometimes think I already am. Oh, I forgot to say that she kind of forgot her past. She does not remember that her husband died which I find heartbreaking, and sometimes when we visit her, she recognizes that she should know us, but she really doesn't. Having a few different strokes at one time paralyzed her on one side, I don't remember which though. She went through therapy my ahe can move and stuff, she just can't walk and she's gained weight and through my eyes, it's all just really sad. But last year during Thanksgiving, she pulled down her pants and adjusted them at the table. Then when we prayed, she basically was thanking Him for keeping our family safe to take care of her. That's where she was already kind of crazy. I was the most tolerant of her in my family, even more so than her son. I don't know why I'm going on about this. It's just been different. Before telling y'all all of this, I read another article on our geography homework. Our teacher gives us packets of four or five different articles about something going on in what part of the world we're studying. Some are interesting but others truly just say blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. I've it two more to go. I finished three. Oh, apparently my best friend's family is coming over. Bugger. I didn't want them to but I guess they are. M is not even coming herself because she's out shopping for the Black Friday thing. I actually glad she's not. I just really don't want to deal with people besides my family today. Yeah, so, I hope all my fellow Americans had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

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