Texas Showers

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Rarely does water fall

From clouds high in the sky.

The people often pleading and calling

Though too soon it leaves; Bye bye!

The showers scattered

Across the state.

The light 'pitter-patter'

Heard on cars and their licence plates.

The steady 'drip-drop'

From windowsill to ground.

We don't want it to stop

For water here is seldom found.

Too much of it and rivers,

they overflow.

The cool air makes me shiver

but all the water helps plants grow.

Wonderful are Texas Showers.

Soon we'll have many beautiful flowers.


So, I just kind of felt like writing this because it was raining and I thought a poem, or something like one, would be nice for a change. It doesn't seem very good to me, but I'll let y'all decide. Anyone know how to put the Bye bye part in there correctly? I dunno, I just like trying to rhyme things nicely. Yup.

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