I didnt want this to happen

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"What didn't you want to happen?" You might ask. And my reply to that is this: "I didn't want to fall for Star Wars." I finally did though. I didn't want to, well, I really don't know what I didn't want. I knew, I just knew that if I saw The Force Awakens, that I would fall for it. After I saw it, I knew I did. I loved the movie. Pretty mischief everything about it. The music drew me in the most, just like other movies. It is just fantastic. After I got home, I watched A New Hope. Two reasons why. a) mum and dad were discussing that the plot hadn't changed much at all from the original movies b) I wanted, no, I needed more Star Wars. I'm hoping to see it at least one more time. I've seen it twice already. One in the third of January and on the other on the ninth.

The Force Awakens: my thoughts after the first time I saw it
-I had to use the restroom when it was starting so I missed the very beginning. I got back when a storm trooper made a bloody hand print on Finn's helmet.
-When they showed the scavenger at first, I could not tell whether it was a male or female
-Why is Finn black? (I don't have anything against him or black people, I'm just curious why he was chosen)
-My reaction to Kylo Ren with his mask off: Oh. My. Gosh. Professor Snape had a son!
-Rey and Kylo are siblings. Maybe not twins, but siblings.
-I understood a lot of thing in the movie
-I chuckled when Finn and Han were wondering what to do with Phasma and decided her to put her in the trash compactor.


The teacher of my English class used an example from The Hobbit. I love when they do that! We're doing prepositions.

[In a hole] [in the ground], there live a hobbit.
J.R.R. Tolkien

~End interruption~

-I gotta see this again. 1) it's awesome 2) I have a rule: If I watch a movie in the theatre, I must watch it at least three times in the theatre (just the really good ones though)
-I like general Hux'a hair
-Andy Serkis! Yay!
-I wonder where Snoke's location is and if that's his actual size.
-Kylo could not have died from the explosion. I believe that he'll need a suit to live now though possibly from the fire.

Here my thoughts end because we had to do work. I wrote this a couple weeks ago, only a couple day after I first saw it. I only got to publish it now.

Let me tell you I am seriously considering writing a fanfic.


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