Goldfish in the shower

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So, a couple days ago, Sunday, was the last day of our Thanksgiving break and I just wanted to be home. I didn't know why and I still don't, but all I wanted was to be home. And guess what. We went to church, and after went to visit our grandmother in the nursing home, and after that we went to Bass Pro Shop. And then my family are at Wendy's. I wanted to go home. Then we did. But not for more than an hour I'd say. Then my brother's family came over and we went to the aquarium. after that we went to Kerbey Lane. By then I was done. I plugged in my earphones and listened to the BotFA soundtrack. I didn't want anything but to be home so I didn't eat. I've got the flixter video app so I watched the first twenty minutes of AUJ. By the time we left, I could feel the tears building up. I hide myself crying pretty well with all my hair and I guess it's kind of bad I hold me breath but it prevents most sound, a squeak or two here and there. When we got home I got outta the car and headed for my room. I started bawling my eyes out. Man, it was bad. Not as bad as some times before but I was mad, I was sad, I don't know exactly. Reason I didn't know and don't know is because of hormones and all that. Yup. Teenage girl that will start her damn dot(code word for period) soon. Yup. The little fit/meltdown/breakdown, whatever it's called didn't last last as long as it usually does. I was grateful for that. Oh, I have trouble going to sleep, so I decided to wear myself out by doing exercises. After that, I took a shower. But if I were in the shower with how I was that night, I would cry again. So I decided I would eat to distract myself from doing so (and I was hungry because I hadn't eaten anything yet). So I got in and ate goldfish in between shampooing and conditioning and stuff. Then mum came home. LB and her went shopping or something. Idk. But she came in to use the bathroom (I shower in my parents' shower) and saw me reaching out for more goldfish. I was holding the door open, but when I turned to look who it was, the door slipped and crushed my little fingers. The two little cuts started bleeding and it stung to put them under the water. It was really funny though. After that life went on. I started my bloody dot today. Man, in orchestra I was hurting bad. Damn cramps had me walking like an old man with a sore back. That's where I get them although later on in the class it was in the front too. We had a sub so we didn't practice as we usually did. Grateful again. It sucks I have P.E. today. Oh well. I'll live. Yeah. It was better during lunch, but man! My eyes were starting to water it hurt really bad! Yeah. I think I'm all good now. I gotta go to bed. Shit! It's 12:48 AM! Good morning! Oh! And Happy Birthday Dean O'Gorman! I can't believe it's already December! Good morning to y'all!

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