12- Don't Go.

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I push myself through the police offers as they haul my husband down the cracked sidewalk. He was just as confused as all of us where. I just didn't understand. "What are you doing to him?" I cry.

"He's going to prison," a police officer is forced to hold me down. I could see Evinor and Dylan holding each other's hands and staring over at us with wide eyes.

"Excuse me sir, you can't take me brother to prison. He did not kill our family," Dylan finally spoke.

I assumed my dad had gave up on the drama, and immediately left us to be. It was ordinary for him to do such. "The evidence is clear now, and the man we assumed was the killer is not guilty."

Cole didn't say anything for some reason. He simply shook. "It's okay, I'm going to get you out of there," I shout.

  I could finally see the tears slide down his cheeks, and it crushed my heart. "You don't understand. Cole didn't kill his family, he even tried to help!"

  "He was the only other one in the house that night. He will be questioned."

  There was nothing I could do to help him. I had no power over the police offers, and the only person who really helped me was Dylan. "C'mere girl," he takes me from the officer and holds me tightly, "We're going to get him."

   "He didn't do it Dylan, he really didn't," I sob.

   "I know, I know."

   After they drove away with Cole in the back seat, I could see his hand touch the window. He gave me a small smile. "We have to follow them," I told Dylan, then started running towards our car, "Come with me."

   "I don't know if we're allowed to," he says as he follows me, "Come on Eve."

  We follow the police cars, and I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't have my baby growing up without a father. And I couldn't have myself growing up any longer without my husband.

   "Oh god, why do stuff like this happen to me?" I shove my hands into my face and smear my makeup.

  Dylan looks over at me for a split second, "I admire you Nova. You really are a caring person. Thank you for loving my brother."

  I didn't respond, I wasn't in the mood to smile or do anything but save Cole. But it was still very generous of Dylan to say.

   We reach some building, it didn't look like a police station or a prison. I watch as they drag Cole out of the car and start walking him into the building.

   "Come on, let's go inside," I ran after him, Dylan and Evinor following slowly behind. It felt as if everything was moving in slow-motion. I imagined dramatic music playing from behind me, but of course it was only my imagination.


Cole Sprouse

  They brought me into a room with no windows, just a table and two chairs. I take a seat in one of the chairs as a guy with a suit stares at me.

  "Do you remember a man telling you that someone had washed off the gun after killing your family?" he grinds his teeth.

  I was sweating like a pig as I stared down at my hands. "We found some finger prints, after searching long and hard. They where very small. But yours matched up."

   I became furious, "That's because I touched it after they killed my family. I washed it off because I didn't want anyone to think I killed them."

  "Tell the truth Sprouse."

   "Dammit, I am! I loved my family, I'd never kill them," I slam my fists onto the table, "I'm not a violent person."

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