02- Christopher.

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Nova Sprouse

I stood in the aisle of the book store, sliding my finger along each book as I tried to find the book I desired to read. It was weird being departed from Cole as he set off on his journey to find his families killer with his jumpy brother. Believe it or not, I was sort of frightened being by myself. Says the girl who lived alone in New York. Speaking of school, I decided not to return. Perfectly fine staying with Cole in Arlington Hills.

"Nova Dillon?" I turned around, seeing the person of my nightmares. The male, who so ironically appeared in my life. Christopher Dean. He was standing in front of me, looking not different at all. The same scent, hair, and clothing style. I was shocked, my face frozen.

"What brings you here in Arlington Hills?" He spoke once more, and I gulped.

"I-I live here," I stuttered, turning back around at the books, "What are you doing here?"

"Wait.. you live here? Why did you move to such a grimy town? I'm here to visit a friend of mine. Demetrius, if you remember him," He replied, as if nothing was awkward or wrong between us.

"In fact I do. My mother, brother and I moved here after my dad left us," I exclaimed, picturing our old house. But still facing the books.

"I remember how terrible your dad treated you guys. And somehow, he liked me," Stop right there. He liked you because you where a dick.

"What do you want Chris," I finally turned around with a bold look on my face, "Why the conversation?"

"I just noticed you.. and you look so different," A small smirk formed on his face, "I know what I did a while back was wrong. But would you like to go out to dinner tomorrow night?"

"Funny you show up, because I was talking about you to my husband last night," Yes. Yes I said it.

He widened his eyes, unable to find the right words to spit out, "Wait— you have a fucking husband. Nova, shit. What have you been doing while I was gone? Did you have child or something?"

"No! What the hell!" I grimaced, still watching his speechless face.

"Who is he. Is he better than me?"

"Actually he is," I grabbed the book I'd been looking for, Fifty Shades Darker to be exact and walked away from him proudly, "His name is Cole Sprouse. And he is in fact the love of my life."

He followed me, staying close to my side, "Cole who? He can't be hotter than me Nova. Can he be?"

"Chris," I finally stopped in his tracks, as he almost ran into me, "I've grown up. Found the love of my life, and married. It's time for you to move on, and do the same."

I approached the counter, ready to check out my books. And as expected, he still stood by my side irritatingly. "I can't! For the past couple years, you're all I think about."

"Just get the hell away," I whispered hesitantly, not wanting the lady to hear our conversation.

"You're right. This is too much to handle. We haven't seen each other in years, you'll eventually come back to me. I just know it," He told himself, and I grunted. Psychopath.

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