•° Chapter one °•

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I walked through the Hogwarts express trying to find a place to sit, but I couldn't find anything.

Everything was either full or no one wanted me to sit with them. It was my first year and I really didn't know that much people.

My parents always kept me hidden because of my father, they didn't want people to cause any trouble. Of course me going to Hogwarts was inevitable, so I finally got the chance to make some friends.

As I walked through the hallways some older students bumped their shoulder against mine, knocking me into the wall of the train. I gave them a dirty look before proceeding to walk down the hall.

I came across another coupé with a girl in it, she smiled at me so I assumed it was alright for me to walk in. "Hi, can I sit here?" I ask her with a smile, she nods furiously, "Of course you can! My name is Angelina Johnson! What's your name?" She extends her hand out, "Tracy Lovegood, nice to meet you." I shake her hand, she has quite the strong grip to be honest.

"Is it your first year as well?" I ask her quickly, she nods at me. "Yup, and merlin's beard I'm nervous! I really want to know what house I'm in! I hope Gryffindor.. What about you?" I chuckle at her statements, "I've got no idea to be honest." She furrows her eyebrows, "Well what houses are your parents in?" "My mum was in Ravenclaw, and I've got no clue what house my dad was in." I admit, "Oh well, doesn't matter what house you're in! We're friends and that's what matters!" I smile at her, I've never really met other witches except for my little sister Luna, but Angelina is so kind, so I think that works out for me.

"Merlin, look! We're here!" Angelina presses her face up against the window, "Woahh..." She says softly, I chuckle at her behaviour but doo the same thing. As soon as my face is pressed up against the window I let out a, "Woahh..." as well. But then I realize something, "Quick we still have to change!" Angelina's eyes go wide, "Oh help." She says, whilst frantically opening her suitcase and pulling out her robes.

We try to get dressed as soon as possible, "Quick let's go outside." I take a look at Angelina and burst out laughing. "Your robe is on backwards!" Her cheeks turn a slight tinge of red.

We then quickly get off of the train only to find out, we're the last ones coming off. "Better late than never be there at all, at least that's what my mom always says." I chuckle at her statement, "C'mon, first years have to go that way!" I say after noticing some people call out to the first years.

After we follow a huge person we arrive at the edge of the black lake, a few boats ready for us to mount them. "Only four people in a boat!" I hear the huge guy say, Angelina quickly drags me into a boat with two other people already sitting in there. "Hi, I'm Cedric!" Says the boy, Angelina and I look each other with a knowing look, he's cute. "Angelina Johnson." "Tracy Lovegood." "Hi, I'm Selena Hilver." Says the other girl, she seems really kind actually.

"By the way who's that?" I ask them pointing at the huge guy, "Oh, that's Hagrid! He's rather kind according to my older sister!" Says Selena with a smile, "Well, he looks scary as frick." Says Cedric with some big eyes

When we're out on the lake we hear some splashing behind us, I look to the noise and see two red heads splashing the other people in their boat. "Weasleys.." Mutters Angelina, "Weasleys?" I ask her, not having any idea who she refers to. "That's the Weasley twins, Fred and George. They have two other brothers here at school, Charlie and Bill. They have a huge family, and guess what." "What?" I say, now very curious. "They're all red heads!"

Cedric chuckles at her statement, "Damn right they're all red heads. But I'm telling you those two are going to cause a lot of trouble."

As we reach the shoreline we all jump out of the boats, happy to be on steady land again. "Lord, am I happy we didn't run into the giant squid." Says Angelina with a chuckle, I shake my head at her comment.

•° Here's to us | Fred Weasley | °•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ