Chapter 5 (Finale)

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"Case 1 - Silent Witness"

Chapter 5

Upon learning that their direction was wrong, they placed Jason into remand until further notice. They re-looked into all evidences to search for the connection. The empty bottle handle was the first to be relooked. Upon further inspection, Sarah found out that Jason prints on the bottle was facing the opposite which meant that the bottle was in a drinking position instead, this was contrary of the fact that there was another set of prints in the opposite where it was a “force-fed” direction.  This meant that the bottle was staged to look like that Jason forced Merlyn to drink the acid which is the first mistake the killer made. Jason didn’t do anything like that to her sister.

Sarah took a closer look into the bottle cap and found trace evidence revealed to be glue. This was good news as glue as an adhesive, can leave prints behind unknowingly to the suspect... She ran the prints through AFIS and what came back was a surprise to her was that the print was originally in AFIS, was directed to the FBAFIDS (Federal Bureau Automated Fingerprint ID System) and was identified as FBI Special Agent Tony McCray. This meant that Agent McCray was the person who opened the bottle cap and forced the acid down her throat.

Back at the warehouse, Evan and Natalie searched further and into a drain, which he found a discarded collar-pin.

“Where have I saw this collar-pin? I remembered I saw it before…” Natalie wondered.

After a few seconds…

“Oh! It was Agent McCray! I saw him wearing it with his blazer.”

Back in the office and during the think-meet, they shared their investigations. The bottle that was used to force acid down the throat was used by Agent McCray. The room that was used to lock up Merlyn had a discarded collar-pin in the drain that belonged to McCray. Anna looked into both agents financial records and something came up. James’s financial records came up clean but Tony’s records were disputed and errant. The investigators had found out that a huge sum of 10 grand was deposited into his account monthly. Before they can continue further, a red flag was issued, and their computers were on lockdown.

“What happened?!” Natalie and her team quizzed with oblivious looks

“Well, what happened is that you guys activated a red flag and an alert was issued to the USSS”, Tyler replied

“Det. Tyler! Welcome back” Natalie cheered.

“Why was the USSS involved?” Asked Anna.

After 15 minutes, Officers from the USSS (United States Secret Service) visited the team.

“I am Agent Adam James Lockhart from the Secret Service, you’re?”

“I am Tyler, Tyler Johansson Taylor and this is my assistant, Natalie Holmes, from the Serious and Organised crimes (SOC)”

“ I understand that you’re investigating Agent Merlyn Clarke’s death and a red flag was issued when you guys searched on Agent’s McCray’s financial records. We’ve been investigating him for the past couple of months due to his criminal activity.”

“What are the crimes, and who tipped you guys off?” Natalie probed.

“Fortunately, Agent Clarke has given us a tip on McCray and that is what prompted us to conduct an investigation. He is suspected of embezzling funds from the bureau and including extortion and money laundering. Agent Clarke was conducting an internal investigation before reporting this matter to us; she was a damm good agent, but sadly…”

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