When the Dust Begins to Settle

Start from the beginning

      The story is a lot to process and I'm torn between pity and anger; but the anger is directed at Ciná rather than Kean. I notice the pain and guilt that sit heavily on his features and I realize he thinks my anger is directed at him. "Kean, I'm not mad at you," I say and his eyes meet mine. "I'm mad at Ciná, I'm mad that you felt like you had to stay away from anyone you might care about for years in the fear that they would be hurt."

      "But I hurt you in more ways than one," he mutters fiddling with his fingers.

      I cock my head for a second trying to figure out exactly what he means, then I'm able to connect the dots, "Marissa? You mean you brushed me off and let her climb all over you to try to scare me away?"

      He nods, "Yeah when you told me what the Feeorin said I panicked. I didn't know what to do, I just knew that you weren't safe with me and I made some bad choices. I should have just told you everything," he sighs.

      "Just tell me next time," I say. My stomach chooses now to grumble loudly.

     Kean chuckles a bit, "Your siblings did their best to cook breakfast if you want some," he pales dramatically for a moment before recovering and I can't help but assume Declan's cooking has something to do with it.

      I nod eagerly, "Yes, then you guys can tell me what I missed."

      He nods a bit hesitantly and helps me up. My head swims a bit and I am more unsteady on my feet than I would like to admit but I push his hands away and head for the door. Down the short hallway I can smell food and hear muted conversation. It's been years since I've been up in the apartment and the dust that has settled over much of it can attest to that. It was supposed to be living quarters for a live in farm hand but finances got hard and my parents never ended up hiring anyone.

      I walk into the kitchenette to find Fiona, Declan and Dunkin sitting around the small table that is piled with food. My stomach growls again announcing my arrival. In the blink of an eye I am being smothered in hugs and I am glad that Kean is behind me because as I stumble back he is able to keep me from landing on the floor.

      Questions are being hurled at me faster than I can register from three different mouths. I clear my throat, "Guys, guys," they finally shut up, "let's sit down, I think I know less than all of you."

      We all squeezed in around the little table elbows and shoulders touching. Kean is on my right and Declan on my left and the center of the table piled with bacon, eggs and toast. I pull a few pieces of toast and bacon onto my plate but when I look around I see that everyone else is sitting rather sedately around the table not touching the food, their faces serious and tight a stark difference from just moments earlier. My appetite starts to disappear.

      "So," I say slowly, "what happened last night?"

      The four of them exchange looks and Fiona pales remarkably. Finally Declan clears his throat and meets my eyes, "It seems that several factors came into play last night, the first and longest coming being the Tithe that Kean owes Ciná which I assume he has filled you on," Kean nods in affirmation. "The second has to do with the 'job' Fiona has had this summer," at this Fiona buries her face in her arms. "She was not actually working at the Iron Bells which I think you already found out. She was working with Ciná. Kean believes that he did bewitch her to some extent and used her to get information about you and Kean, but her memories seem to be spotty at best. Through her Ciná discovered that he could get to Kean through you and that he could get to you through family. He already held sway over Fiona and decided to use her to draw you to him knowing that Kean would never let you walk into a situation like that alone. He was pulling strings we didn't know existed."

      There is a moment of silence as I try to digest that information that has been given to me and as much as I don't want to believe it what Declan is saying makes a lot of sense. It explains Fiona's odd behavior and how she ended up in the hands of a mad Fey. I nod in acceptance, I can't hold what happened entirely against my sister, she should have known better than to have anything to do with Faeries but I also should have been paying more attention to her. I have failed hugely in several aspects of stepping up where my parents left off. Yes, I have kept the farm going, but I've left what's left of my family fall through the cracks

      Declan picks at his toast with his fork then pushes back his chair and clears his throat, "Fiona and I have to go for a while," he says, "we need to go see Johnny." He leans over and kisses the top of my head and whispers, "I'm glad you're alright, Breena," and I don't know why but it feels like a goodbye.

      "I'll drive you over," Kean offers, "I need to get to Allard's and Johnny's is on the way."

      Without another word or bite of food the three of them troop down the stairs leaving their plates full and me with the feeling of being diseased.

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