Chapter Nine

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When I woke the dorm was still empty, only I could see from the lack of light coming from outside that it was dark or near dark. I flinched at the bright light on my phone when I turned it on.

5:30 pm

Great. Now I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight. I smiled at my thought - I'm going to have trouble sleeping anyway, thoughts of Brandon filled my mind and I felt a tingle down there. I shook my head, it's been bothering me for a few days now. The connection that me and Brandon have is strong, but it doesn't feel anything like what me and Brady had.

When Brady kissed me my stomach flipped, my heart pounded and my skin flushed, he was gentle and soft and I submitted to him in a heartbeat, I knew what his intentions were and I know how I felt about him. I would like to think that I knew how he felt about me and that everything wasn't a lie but... you know how that story ended.

But when Brandon kisses me, my mind jumbles and his touch is all I crave. His hands are rough and his stubble scrapes against my cheek and neck, his eyes pierce into my mind and I can't help but to feel empowered, as if all his emotions rubs off on me and we live it out together.

The irony of the situation is almost too much, in the beginning Brady had me seeing butterflies and rainbows while I was scared shitless of his brother. Look at me now, in the bed of the guy who I thought was the spawn of satan himself.

I wondered briefly where Brandon was but the thought left my mind just as quickly as it came. Me and Brandon, we don't plan to spend time together, it just happens. We talk a lot, more than we have sex actually which is saying something. We don't kiss each other goodbye or good morning, we don't share lingering stares, we don't hold hands. And the thing is, that doesn't bother me in the least, the only thing that bothers me is wondering if this is going to last, and I already know the answer.

Probably not.

I sat upright at last, tossing the covers to the side. I sighed, I need clean clothes. The thought of going back to the dorm always left a black hole where my intestines should be but it has to be done. I stood up and put on the cleanest pair of sweatpants I saw, I'm sure I wore this on a jog two days ago but I'm desperate. I took off the oversized shirt I was wearing and exchanged it for a hoodie of mine, not even bothering with a shirt underneath. I redid my ponytail and scraped the last bits of courage I had left and left for my dorm before I decide to live in dirty clothes for all eternity.

Thankfully campus was quiet and I got to my previous dorm without anyone spotting me in my hobo appearance. I stood outside, listening intently if any... noises came from inside, when I was sure there is no one here I slipped inside. I turned on the light and started to raid my closet, the first thing I did was put on a clean pair of underwear and sweatpants with a sports bra and a tank top, thinking I'd take a run after I dropped my clothes off at Brandon's.

I started to fill a backpack with some clean clothes, as much as I could fit in, not bothering to fold any. I don't want anyone finding me in here.

The thought wasn't even finish processing when I heard voices outside the dorm, dread over flooded me as I recognized one of the voice as Laura's.

"Oh my god, is she okay?" Laura asked her companion.

"Yeah, thankfully no one got hurt, except her, I didn't see the wounds though, there was too much blood." I rolled my eyes, obviously it's Brady. Just my freakin' luck.

The door handle clicked open and I finished forcing in the clothes then zipped the backpack up.

"Avery!?" I spun, holding the bag to my chest as  protection.

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