Chapter Eight

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I know, I've been absent the last few weeks or so but I have good reasons, just find it in you to be patient with me pretty please.

Two months earlier

"Okay okay," Laura chuckled and sat up from her lying position,"so you and Brady have been dating about two months now," I gave her a 'and what about it' look while dragging out the word "aaaaannnnd?", she smirked and continued, "aaannnd, well...? Have you... done it yet?".

We we were lounging on a family bed out of blankets and cushions in the middle of our actual beds, there were candy wrappers and chocolate surrounding us, we were having a movie night but it turned into a full blown girls' night, we talked about everything from politics to boys. And naturally the topic of sex rose to the surface.

"LAURA!!" I exclaimed.

"Whaaat? Look I know you're still a virgin... last I heard, but seriously, girl, you gotta get with the times, you are missing out and I was fine with you not getting any throughout high school but we're in college now and you're not getting any younger."

I smiled and like an idiot tried to hide it by looking down, Laura immediately picked up on it and gasped, "you slut! Why didn't you tell me?!" She grabbed a pillow and flung it at me.

I blocked it with my arms crossed over my face and laughed, "It happened very recently, it's why I suggested tonight, I wanted to tell you tonight."

Laura eeeked in a high pitched tone and grabbed me around my neck hugging me, "you're all grown up," she let go of me and bombarded me with questions, "well how was it? Did you enjoy it? I need details damnit!"

We talked until our eyes fluttered close, laughing and exchanging our experiences, she had more than me obviously but I had never judged her and was not about to start.

Present day

My eyes opened and the weight on my chest that had followed me the past couple of weeks since the night I found out Brady was cheating on me still lingered, I was thankful that werewolves do not get hangovers otherwise I'd be immobilized by one right now. I remember how me and Brandon drank about two liquor stores empty last night and smiled, I never thought I'd say this - or think this - but Brandon is about the closest I have to a friend right now, that is if you can count what we have as 'friendship'. I also vividly recall what we do almost every night after we've been binge drinking our way through town, in his dorm, in the showers, even in the woods that one time.

I tried to sit up and discovered that I'm being held down by a mass over my chest i.e Brandon's arm, I shook it off and sat upright, the lower parts of my abdomen throbbed in a way that was both pleasing and sore at the same time, Brandon is much rougher than his younger sibling. I also discovered I was naked, but that didn't bother me much because Brandon had a dorm all to himself, long story short his roommate dropped out, and yes the first few nights I slept in the vacant bed, the thought of going back to my dorm and facing Laura always turned my blood cold... so Brandon did a not-so-Brandon thing and let me crash in his dorm. The security in this place is laughable and I'm able to sneak in and out every night.

I put on the last pair of clean workout clothes I had left in Brandon's dorm, knowing I'd have to go get more and risk running into Laura tonight, pushing that thought aside I checked the time on my phone,


And I saw a notification, a missed call from both Brady and Laura. I wonder if they called me before or after they had sex? I sighed, I'm becoming bitter again, time for exercise.

I looked over at Brandon, his chest rising and falling at a steady pace, we have this unique connection, I trust him like you would trust your doctor - you don't always know what they're thinking or what they're talking about but you know they mean well. You leave it up to them and somehow they know what you need to make you feel better. I never had that with Brady, and although my feelings for Brady went deep into the 'love' territory, what I have with Brandon seems to trump that, but it's not love - I know it isn't.

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