Chapter Three

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I took a look at my watch and almost fell off the concrete bench.

Nearly 4 pm.

Shoving everything into my bag I decided I best get to the dorms seeing it's my first day and I don't know the curfew or even if i'm supposed to be here or if there is some mandatory thing I need to be at, being a freshman and all.

I was about to make my way out the heavenly oasis-like garden when I heard a rustling sound in the bushes behind a tree to the right of me.

I froze, still with my Kindle in hand.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

A husky and quite agitated voice sounded from behind me.

I spun around, I instantly recognised the intruder as Brady's brother... what was his name?

Brandon, I think.

"H-hi." I squeaked weakly.

Brandon was bare chested with sweat beads shimmering whilst running down his toned chest and ending when they soaked the waistband of his long sleeved, incognito pants. I averted my gaze to his now angry looking eyes once I realised I was being very inappropriate.

I wanted to apologise but words just couldn't seem to pass my lips.

Brandon furrowed his brows while inspecting me thoroughly, tilting his head slightly to the left he took a few threatening strides forward.

Me, being the weakling I am, took a few frightening steps back.

"Aren't you the chick I saw this morning?" he ran his eyes unsatisfied over my body, a sneer covering his features once his eyes landed on mine once again.

He continued to take large steps towards me as I backed away just as fast until I felt my back hit something solid. In all my history of bad luck, why did there had to be a tree today?

In a matter of split seconds he was standing so close to me I had to crane my neck to the side otherwise our noses would've collided.

For a few seconds all he did was study my profile like a vicious predator.

"You know," he sneered in a menacing voice that sent chills down my spine, or it could've been the beads of sweat trickling down my back, "fear is a strange concept. It sends hormone impulses throughout your entire body at the speed of light," I actually know exactly what the symptoms of eccesive fear is, yet I wasn't about to interrupt him, I could feel my breathinh starting to pick up and my hands trembling as he continued.

"Sweating is one of the more noticeable effects," suddenly I was aware of the hundreds of microscopic beads of sweat that has already formed on my forehead and had begun to fuse together as huge drops, at his mention of sweat I felt a single droplet make its way down the side of my face, clearly visible for Brandon to see.

"An increase in heartbeat is more subtle, if you are a human you can't pick up on someone else's heartbeat, even for a cubling* it takes practise and a shitload of concentration to hear another's heartbeat,"

At some point I closed my eyes, too afraid to see my own death.

"In extreme cases when your mind interprets the danger as life threatening, it jumps to fight or flight mode, if that fails, weakness overtakes your body in an attempt to come across as dead to the predator." tears are beginning to form in my eyes as I struggle to keep myself upright against the rough treetrunk scrapping against my back.

"Feeling numb, pup?" I can almost feel his snarling smile at his neareness to me.

A few seconds pass, me still unable to move, when I hear him whiff deeply as he inhales my scent and I feel my heart drop to the darkest depths of the ocean.

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