"I asked Mikasa, and she wanted to know why. I told her it was for you to wear as a surprise for Eren, and she said no. I asked about every woman here, and was continually answered with a no. But Isabel answered my prayers and gifted this spectacle," Armin explained. I stared at the fabric again, watching it grow smaller. "Will that even fit me?" I questioned. "Of course it will, now strip!" Armin exclaimed.

In fear of him ripping my clothes off, I removed my shirt and watched him smile in triumph. He set the stockings down and approached me with the corset. "Turn around!" he demanded. I did so, and he slipped the corset around me to begin tying it in the back.

"Are you sure about this?" I questioned, staring at the corset wrapped tightly around me. "Yes! Eren is going to devour you," he proclaimed confidently. The strings holding the corset around me, went taut and my breathing hitched. "Too tight?" Armin questioned. "Just a bit," I gasped. He chuckled and loosened his pull, but it didn't cure my shortness of breath.

With one last pull, he tie the strings together to keep the deathtrap in place. He turned me around, and I let out a breath I was unaware I was holding in. Armin took a step back to look at the masterpiece. "Perfect!" he cheered. I inhaled again, "I can barely breathe."

"Don't worry, Eren will be able to help with that. Now put these on, I'll leave the room if you feel uncomfortable. Beside I think Eren should be the only one to see you in the entire outfit," Armin winked. I furrowed my brows. "Thank you?" I stated in an unsure tone. "No need to thank me...yet,"

With that, Armin walked across the threshold and closed the door behind him. Once the room was filled with silence, I stared at the thong and pair of stockings. My hands brushed over the fabric, and I looked down the trousers I still wore. Sighing, I stripped and dressed in the laid out garments. Finished, I clmbed onto the creaking cot and awaited Eren's arrival.


The floorboards outside the closed door creaked and groaned. Distinct voices were audible. Armin and Eren. I squirmed in the uncomfortable outfit as the door opened.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Ar-min."

Eren's gaze locked onto me and my half-naked state. His jaw dropped, and he let out a shaky gasp. "Holy shit." I smirked at his expression, and I leaned against the wall.

"You're welcome, Eren, have fun!" Armin called from a distance. Eren wasn't phased by his comment; he only kept his gaze on me.

After Eren closed the door, it only took a matter of seconds for him to race towards me. And he didn't hesitate to smash our lips together in a desperate manner. He coaxed my lips open to gain him access to my mouth. I moaned as he leaned his body against me, one of his hands pressing on the small of my back.

With his help, I was laid back against the mattress. He climbed over me, trailing kisses  up my neck and occasionally sucking on the hot skin. I leaned my head back, so he could have easier access. Eren took this opportunity greedily and rubbed his hands along my figure beneath him.

He fumbled with the strings holding my corset together, and I sighed, finally able to catch my breath. Eren leaned back, so he could stare at me. "Did I tell you how fucking amazing you look?"

"You can thank Armin and Isabel," I replied. He hummed as if the sight of me made him hungry. "I'll have to keep that in mind."

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