8. Confrontation and cake

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Why did I buy this damn ring? I ask myself as I walk upstairs. I open Denvers bedroom door and sit the package on her bed.

"What are you doing?" A voice asks.

I turn around and find Denver.

"Um.." I stutter.

Denver laughs at my noticeable discomfort. Her eyes shift over to the package on her bed.

"Did you get me something?" She asks.

"Well, yeah." I say.

She walks over and nudges me aside. She picks up the package and opens it carefully. She pulls the small box out of the paper and holds it in the palm of her hand.

"This looks expensive and I haven't even opened it." She says.

Don't worry about that." I state.

She flips the lid on the small box and her mouth drops open. She pulls the ring out and admires it.

"Oh my god. It's so pretty." She says.

Just like you. I want to say but I have to withhold myself. I'm dating her damn sister and that would make things awkward.

"Happy birthday." I say.

She looks at me with a look I have never seen.

"Thank you, Ren. This was really sweet." She says.

I shift from one leg to other and try to find a way to leave.

"You're welcome." I say.

We stand there awkwardly for a few minutes before I make a lame excuse to go down stairs.

I watch Denver from a far all day. Jealously courses through me as she interacts with Xavier. They laugh and touch and it's natural.

Paige finds me by the cake and latches on like a leech. God, that's a bad thought. We are engaged and I just compared her to a leech.

"Want to sneak off upstairs?" Paige asks clearly hinting that we go hook up.

"It's Denver's party." I state.

"And?" She asks.

"And people would notice." I say.

Paige sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go help mom in the kitchen." She says.

After the party I find Denver outside on a tire swing.

"Hey." I say.

She spins around in the swing and looks at me. I see the ring sitting gracefully on her pointer finger.

"Hi." She says shyly.

It's the first time I have caught Denver in such a natural state. Her hair is wet from a shower and she doesn't have an ounce of makeup on. Her freckles show perfectly and she's in a pair of sleep shorts and a black tank top.

"What are you doing?" I ask dumbly.

"Swinging." She says with a laugh.

I nod and sit beside the tree.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" I ask.

"Why aren't you with my sister? I'm surprised she left you alone." She says.

"I don't know." I say.

We sit in silence and I get lost in thought. I admire ever feature she has and it's unsettling.  She's practically perfect but not in the traditional sense. She's just so damn pretty but not in the designer clothing sorta way, like Paige.

My bare feet hit the dirt as I twist in the old tire swing. I look at Ren from the corner of my eye. He twists a strand of grass between his fingers with a look of deep concentration. It's a flattering look on his handsome face. Wait what? Handsome? I smile to myself at the crazy thought.

"How did you meet my sister?" I ask.

"Can we not talk about your sister?" He asks.

"You mean your bride to be?" I ask in spite.

I have no idea where that came from. Maybe I do, I dislike my sister and that's a fact but this is a new level.

Ren sighs and stands to walk away.

"Stay." I say.

He looks at me with confusion and then sits down against the tree like before.

"Are you with Xavier?" He asks.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

"It was just a question." He says.

"No, we are just friends." I answer.

"Good." He says.

I look at him and he looks at me. He stands from the tree and walks towards me.

"I don't think he's the one for you." He says.

"Oh yeah, what would you know about that. Xavier is a great guy." I say.

He lifts his hand to touch my face but drops it.

"Just a feeling." He says.

"You know nothing about me or what's right for me." I state.

"Maybe not but he would never make you happy." Ren says.

"How would you know." I ask.

"I just do." He says.

I roll my eyes and sigh.

I turn my head and Ren catches my face and brings my eyes to his. Suddenly he leans in and his lips are so close to mine. I jerk back in a rush and look at Ren. He has a startled look on his face.

"What the fuck, Ren?" I ask.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"You are engaged to my damn sister!" I say.

"I got confused you remind me of her!" He says.

White, hot anger flows up my spine and if looks could kill Ren would be dead. I look or act nothing like Paige and someone saying it makes me so angry. She's a Barbie and I have substance.

"Fuck you." I say before walking inside.

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