5. Wedding plans

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I wake up to the loud shrill of my phone ringing. I hear Paige groan and I quickly take the phone out into the hall.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Ren! Honey how are you?" My mother greets me.

I take the phone away from my ear and check the time. 5:00 AM
Jesus Christ!

"Hey mom. I'm good." I say as I walk through the house and onto the back porch.

"Hows Paige?" She asks but her voice changes to a lower less pleasant voice.

"She's good. Listen so I was waiting until I seen you but Paige already told her parents. We are engaged." I say slowly letting each word sink in not only for her but also for me.

The phone is completely silent before I hear her sniffle. My chest tightens and I'm worried for a moment.

"My baby is enagaged!" She exclaims.

"Yeah." I say with a laugh.

"I have got to go tell your sister and father! I'll call you later baby!" She says before hanging up. I smile at how easy that was and pull out a cigarette. I walk off the porch and to my favorite little place on the side of the house. I light the cigarette and take a drag. A car pulls up quietly and Denver jumps out. She waves to Xavier and sneaks her way towards the porch.
"Well someone's a little early or should I say late?"I ask with a cocky smirk. She jumps at the sounds of my voice and sends me a glare. "Fuck! You scared the shit out of me." She exclaims. I laugh and look over at her wrinkled clothes and I wonder what she's been up to. Is that Xavier guy her boyfriend? Did she spend all night partying or just hanging out with him. A unsettling feeling creeps inside my chest at this thought.
"Where have you been?" I ask.
"It's not your concern dad." She says sarcastically. "Woah chill babe. Just making sure my little sister doesn't get into to much trouble." I say. She rolls her eyes at the sound of me calling her my sister and I decide right then that I will continue to do it just because it annoys her.
"I'm not your sister. Fuck I don't even call Paige my relative sometimes." She says with a unconcerned look. I really wish I could figure this girl out.
"What would Paige think of you sneaking in this early?" I ask with a smirk.
She gives me a death glare and purses her lips together in a scowl. "I don't give a flying fuck what she would think." She says.
"I bet your parents would. Especially with Xavier right?" I ask. I can see by the look on her face that she wants to hit me and for some reason I love it. "What do you want you fucking prick?" She asks. "Ouch. Someone's being a little to harsh aren't they? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did we? Oh wait you probably didn't even go to bed." I say. She takes a step forward until our faces are about an inch apart. I could kiss her right now. I shake the thought away.  "Is this blackmail Ren?" She asks. Her face is red with anger and she looks beautiful and passionate. "Not at all sis. I'm just stating facts." I reply. She rolls her eyes and walks past me and into the house.
My heart beats fast as I walk upstairs to my room. What an asshole! I take a quick shower and get dressed in some sweats and a tank top. I flop down on my bed and replay the entire night in my head.
Xavier wants to pick up and leave. He said we could go anywhere we wanted. He said he always wanted to vist Europe. I don't know if I'm ready for that. In some ways I definitely am. My parents are so controlling and my sister is a bitch. There really is nothing here for me. I could leave with Xavier and be whoever I wanted to be without the control of those around me.
I slowly drift to sleep as I lay in my bed. I wake up to a pounding on my door. "Denver! Get your ass up!" Paige screams from the otherside of the door. I try to roll over and continue to sleep but she continues to beat against the door. I get up and jerk the door open. "What the actual fuck do you want?" I ask. "Don't snap at me! Your going to help me." She says. "Help you with what?" I ask.  "Well Ren and I have decided to have the wedding sooner rather than later." She says. "Okay like when in a few months?" I ask. "Actually in four weeks." She says. "Paige you do realize it takes a lot to plan a wedding right?"I ask. "That's why you are helping and plus i hired a super great planner." She says.
I come down to the kitchen to find Ren and my mother cooking.  "So you just flip this like so." Ren says as he flips a pancake. My mother laughs as the pancake hits the stovetop and missed the pan completely. Ren laughs along with her and his eyes twinkle. My mother looks at him adoringly. "Wow impressive. Do you have a cooking show?" I ask teasingly. Ren looks over at me with a smirk. "Denver! Don't be rude." Mom says. I roll my eyes and grab an Apple from the bowl of fruit on the bar. "Do you want a pancake Denver?" Ren asks. "No thanks." I reply and walk into the living room. Paige is hunched over a wedding catalog and her bestfriend Karen is pointing and suggesting things. I sigh and return to the kitchen because I'd much rather watch Ren and my mother than listen to those two talk. "I knew you'd be back. The ladies always come back." Ren says with a cocky smirk. "Ew." I reply and he laughs. "Why aren't you in there helping Paige? Shes roped me into it and I would rather be hit by a bus." I ask. He laughs at my obvious distaste for wedding planning. "I tried to help but she ushered me away." He explains. I roll my eyes and take a bite of my apple. "Why do you two hate each other so much?" He asks. "I don't hate her." I say with a shake of my head. "Well dislike then?" He asks. "We just don't get along. Paige is perfect and prissy and honestly a snob. She is everything that I stand against. She looks at me as a failure and outcast and I'm okay with that. I don't like people in my personal bubble." I explain. He nods.
"When are you guys leaving anyways?" I ask. "Well I was informed that we were having the wedding here. So i have no clue." He answers. Wow. Just great. "Denver!" Paige calls from the other room. I grab my car keys and walk out of the back door. I need to get away.

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