"Grandma?" He called walking into the backyard. If I thought the front yard was beautiful the back yard was stunning. It must have been every bride's dream to get married in a place like this, I thought.

"Over here." A small voice called from behind a few rose bushes. It was almost seven in the evening but the sun still hasn't set.

Chance peered over the bush and scowled. "What are you doing down there?" He asked as he offered his hand to help an elegant woman to her feet.

The woman smoothed her woolen skirt once she was standing. "The roses on this bush aren't blooming so I was checking to see if the plant was okay." The woman turned to me with a smile. "I have a feeling you are Ana." She said and before I could say anything she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me. She smelt like the roses in the garden, but also had a subtle peppermint smell to her.

"I am." I told her when she stepped back and turned to look at Chance curiously.

Chance smiled and threw his arms across the woman. "Ana meet my grandma Sophia. Grandma meets my best friend Ana."

I stared at the lady in front of me in shock. "You look so young!" I exclaimed without thinking, unable to believe that this woman could be Chance's grandmother.

Sophia laughed gracefully and a warm smile crept up on her face. "You are a dear. That's exactly what woman my age what to hear." She said proudly and patted Chance on his back. "I think it's time for dinner don't you?" She asked.

Chance nodded his head. "Come on Ana, let's go see what our cook made for us today."

Dinner with Chance's grandmother was lovely. She was a highly intelligent woman who paid attention to the world around her. She was very in tune with not just the politics but also celebrity gossip. The way she held herself was so regal, that I hadn't known better I would have thought she was a queen.

The food itself was fantastic as well, but I couldn't get myself to finish anything. Sophia asked me multiple times if I would prefer to eat something else, but I simply shook my head and told her that I just wasn't hungry. After dinner Sophia went out for a walk and Chance and I decided to watch a movie. We were fifteen minutes into the movie when Chance paused it and turned to me.

"I wasn't going to push you, but I can't sit here like this. Not when you barely eat, and don't even laugh at your favorite movie." Chance's hand landed on mine. "What happened?" He asked gently.

I could feel my shoulders slump, and the haze in my head grew filling my whole body. I looked down at my sock cover feet and shrugged. "I slapped Seb." I told him quietly. I still couldn't believe that I had done that, and for the second time since I've been home. He deserved it, I knew that, but I still couldn't comprehend what came over me. I wasn't a violent person, at least not usually.

I didn't look at Chance, but I could feel his eyes widen. "What?" He spat out in disbelief.

I shrugged my shoulder again and this time looked at my lap. "I slapped Seb." I repeated a little louder this time.

Chance's hand tightened on mine, and he shifted so he was completely facing me now. "You slapped Seb?" His voice didn't hide is incredulity. "Why?" He added softly.

I finally looked up at him steadily. "He kissed me." I told him searching his face. Chance's eyes widened, his lips parted and the look of bewilderment was very evident on his face.

"Sebastian kissed you?" He asked, as if he wasn't sure he had heard me right.

I nodded my head at him and looked back down. If he was so surprised to learn that Seb kissed me tonight, I wonder what he would think if I told him that it wasn't the first time.

Before the Darkest StormWhere stories live. Discover now