Chapter 10

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Daniel just stares into space for a few minutes, probably trying to process what I just told him. Even though he already suspected something, it must still be a big shock. All of the sudden, he is a dad.

"You're 100% sure?" Daniel asks and I nod.

"You're the only one I slept with."


"Are you mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"I don't know, because I never told you? Or because you have a daughter?" I ask, but Daniel shakes his head as he takes my hands.

"I'm not mad, not at all. I'm actually kind of happy, it's just a lot to process."

"I understand that and you can take as much time as you need."

"Thank you, but the thing is, I don't really have time."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to leave for the GP in Mexico tomorrow," Daniel says and all of the sudden I remember that he is an F1 driver who has to drive races every other week, or every week in this case. I didn't realize he already had to leave.


"Yes. Trust me, I don't want to leave, at all. But I have to."

"No, I completely understand. It's your job. Besides, you've only known me for a week, so I understand."

"Understand what?"

"That you don't want to start anything right now. It's fine, really. These past few days were great, despite everything. Maybe later on we can try again."

"What are you talking about? I want to start something with you, more than anything. Sure, it might not be the right time, but when will it be? If not now, when? I want to get to know you better Lydia. I want to be with you, I want to kiss you and hold you. I want to wake up next to you after a mind blowing night, like the one we had in Monaco. Whenever I'm with you, it feels right. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before," Daniel says and I blush slightly as I remember that night.

"I want that too, but you have to go to Mexico and then Brazil and Abu Dhabi. How can it work?"

"Come with me."


"Come with me to Mexico, to Brazil, to Abu Dhabi. Be with me, all the time," Daniel says, catching me off guard.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. I've never felt so sure about anything before. I want to be with you Lydia, I've wanted to be with you since Monaco, I just didn't know it yet. But now that I've met you again and you've told me about Macy, it feels like fate."

"I-," I start, not knowing what to say.

"You don't have to say anything right now, I understand you have to think about this, especially because of Macy. But please, think about it."

"I will," I promise, making Daniel smile.

"Then I have one more question."

"What's that?"

"Can I please kiss you again?"

"You don't even have to ask," I say, making Daniel smile even wider before he leans in and presses his lips against mine and I don't hesitate with responding. He is right, this feels unlike anything I've ever felt before. Deep down, I always knew we'd somehow end up together. But can it work?

"He asked you to come with him?" Pascalle asks surprised, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Yeah, he did."

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