Chapter 16

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Unfortunately, all great things come to an end. Including my little getaway with Daniel. No matter how much I enjoyed my time with him in Mexico, Macy needs me at home. Besides, I've really missed her during my time with Daniel.

"Are you ready to go?" Daniel asks just as I close my suitcase.

"Yeah, I think I've got everything," I say, feeling sad that I have to go, be by myself again. Well, with Macy and Pascalle of course, but without Daniel.

"Don't be sad," Daniel says as he pulls me into a hug.

"I can't help it, I just enjoyed myself a lot, which I didn't expect."

"You didn't expect you'd have fun with me?" Daniel asks, gasping as he does. But I know he's kidding.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Yeah, I do."

"I just wish we could have a few more days together," I sigh, but I know that can't happen. Daniel needs to go to Brazil, which is the opposite direction from me.

"Maybe we can."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Would you mind if I came with you?" Daniel asks and I step back to see if he's serious. Which he seems to be.

"But you have to go to Brazil."

"I may have talked to Christian."

"What are you saying?"

"That I can come with you for a few days."

"Really?" I ask, just to make sure. I don't want to get my hopes up.

"Yeah, I asked Christian and he was fine with it. I really want to spend more time with you as well, and of course with Macy. I want to get to know her better before you two come to live with me in Monaco."

"That sounds like a great idea," I say, a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah, you don't mind?"

"Why would I mind? You're my boyfriend and you're Macy's dad," I say, which makes Daniel smile widely.

"I better start finish packing then," he says and he gives me a quick kiss before he starts running around to finish packing, which makes me chuckle. He's so random sometimes.

"Lyd, wake up," I hear Daniel say. I slowly open my eyes and look around, trying to figure out where I am.


"We're about to land," Daniel tells me as I sit up. I realize we're on a plane and we're about to land in Austin. Which means I'll see Macy again pretty soon.

"That flight went quickly."

"You were asleep the entire flight," Daniel chuckles as the 'seatbelts on' light goes on.

"I was tired," I say, blushing slightly as I think of the reason of my tiredness. Daniel doesn't get a change to reply as the pilot starts talking. Probably a good thing. After landing at the airport, we make our way through the airport until we reach arrivals.

"Lyd!" I hear a familiar voice call out and I search through the crowd of people waiting for their friends and family to arrive. Then I spot a familiar face: Pascalle.

"Pas!" I call out, a smile on my face. I quickly make my way over to her, happy to see her again. I then see she's holding Macy in her arms, which makes me smile even wider.

"Macy, hey baby girl," I say as I take her from Pascalle. I hug Macy tightly, now only realizing how much I've actually missed her.

"She really wanted to come pick you up," Pascalle tells me, though I know for a fact that it was actually her who wanted to.

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