Mike laughed, good-naturedly brushing aside the compliment, but Lauren wasn't focused on that. When Alejandro had knelt down, Lauren had noticed a dart of movement behind him. Curious, she peered past his body to see what it was. Sinu immediately noticed where she was looking.

"Camila, there's no need to hide, sweetie. Come and say hi to Lauren," she spoke over her shoulder.

A little girl edged out from behind her parents; still clinging tightly to their clothing. Her brown eyes were wide and nervous, and she would not move further than a few inches from her mother or father, before shuffling back towards them.

Lauren could instantly tell that the little girl was scared, and knowing that she was younger than her, and in a strange place, she decided to make the first move. It was only polite.

"Hallo," she held out her hand and waved to her.

The other girl chewed anxiously on her lip, but said nothing. Lauren lowered her hand. Crossing her legs, she looked to her mother, hoping for some instruction as to what to try next.

"Go on, Mila," Alejandro encouraged his daughter, "You can do it,"

Sinu gave Camila a nudge, so that she finally released the hem of her shirt that she had clenched so tightly in her fist. Taking a step forward, the little girl gave Lauren a little wave.

"Hello," she mumbled.

"What's your name?" Lauren tried to start conversation.

"Camila," the girl whispered, looking rather like a deer in the headlamps.

The end of her name was difficult to pronounce for Lauren. It twisted on her tongue in a way that she wasn't used to. All of the adults said it with ease, but she couldn't quite throw it out like they did.

"Cam... Cam...?"

"Some of us call her 'Mila'," Alejandro offered.

"Cam... eela..." Lauren stuttered, "Cam... Camz?"

Camila's head shot up at the final word.

"Camz?" Lauren asked tentatively, "Can I call you that? Your name is hard,"

"Yes," Camila nodded, "I like Camz,"

Seeing the two girls beginning to engage, Mike rubbed his hands together.

"I can that you two are going to get on like a house on fire," he chuckled, "Shall we leave you to it? We'll just be in the dining room if you need anything,"

Sinu and Alejandro both planted kisses on Camila's rosy cheeks, before departing. Clara gave Lauren a gentle squeeze on the shoulder, and Mike patted her back, and then they left too. Soon only Camila and Lauren remained.

"Do you like colouring?" Lauren questioned her softly.

"Yes," Camila replied, "But I am not very good. When I do it, the colours go out of the lines,"

"You have to practice," Lauren told her, "I did lots of practicing,"

She pushed a picture of a unicorn towards her. The black lines were printed onto the page, but the vibrant squiggles were Lauren's own work. Camila surveyed it, and giggled.

"I like that picture,"

"Thanks, Camz," Lauren said, chest jutting out proudly, "That makes me happy,"

"Can I do some?"

"Yes. I will get my best colouring pencils. The ends are really sharp, so it is easier to stay in the lines, but you can't press down too hard or they break, okay?"

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