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"Are you ready baby? You're not nervous are ya?" Louis asks Harry, putting his hand on his thigh, other hand gripping the wheel. He's putting up this front, pretending he isn't nervous, but he definitely is.

"Of course i'm fucking nervous. I want it to be a boy, but I want it to be a girl, but then I don't even know what I want them to be. Ugh I can't do this turn around." 

"Haz, relax. We need to find out so we can get the bloody nursery started." Louis says, squeezing Harry's knee for comfort.

"I know. I'm just letting the nerves get to me. You know how I am with that. And I'm sorry for being in a pissy mood lately. Being pregnant sucks"

"Baby you have nothing to apologize for. You're carrying our little baby in there. You have every right to be uncomfortable, pissy, whatever. It doesn't bother me. I love you no matter what and you know that."

"Thank you for getting all deep ad sappy and Im crying now thanks." Harry says sniffling and wiping his eyes.

"You're too cute." Louis says. "Here we are" They pull into a parking lot and Louis gets out and goes to Harry's side and opens the door and helps Harry out.

Once inside they check in and wait for about 30 minutes, Harry getting frustrated from waiting and Louis not bothering to tell him to calm down because that'd just make things worse.

"Styles?" The doctor says

They get up and follow the doctor to the room. Harry gets up onto the chair and lays back and lifts up his shirt allowing the doctor to put the gel on his stomach making Harry giggle from it being cold.

When the image comes up on the screen and Harry smiles seeing how big his baby has gotten since his last ultrasound. He notices Louis is silent and turns to look at him. Louis is literally in tears and cannot utter a single word. Harry forgot that this is Louis' first time ever seeing the baby.

"Th-thats my baby. That's our baby Harry!" Louis says smiling the biggest Harry has ever seen. Harry nods and takes Louis' hand. Louis kisses Harry, letting his lips linger there for a few seconds.

"Aw Boo" Harry says, his eyes are watering now. This just shows how much Louis actually cares about Harry and their baby.

"Can you tell the gender?" The doctor says bringing them out of their moment.

They both look at the screen, squinting their eyes trying to figure it out. They shake their heads no.

"Usually, when its a boy, you can see the penis here," He said pointing to the screen. " There's no penis. You're having a little girl!"

Harry turned to Louis with the biggest smile on his face. Louis had an even bigger one. They were having a little girl. 

The doctor makes prints of the ultrasound. They wont be ready until after the checkup for Harry and the baby. The checkup is quick and the doctor gives them the ultrasound pictures.

"That's all for today. You and the baby are very healthy and keep up the good work Harry" The doctor smiles as he sends them on their way.

The lovers get into the car and sit in a comfortable silence, just smiling to themselves. Neither of them ever pictured that theyd be in this situation. Harry wouldve never thought that he'd be having a baby girl with Louis. Louis wouldve never thought he would be having a baby this soon, especially with Harry. Neither would change a thing, though.

"Harry" Louis breaks the silence.

"Yeah, Boo?"

"I love you. I really do" Louis says smiling.

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