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Harry has spent the past week trying to figure out a way to tell Louis that he's going to be a dad. How do you just bring that up to someone? 'Oh hey Louis how was your day? You're the soon to be father of my child. How's Danielle?' No.

The thing is, Louis may be great with kids considering he has seven siblings, but that doesn't mean he wants a kid anytime soon. Who wants that kind of news just dropped on their heads? Especially when it wasn't planned.

Harry can't help but think about all the bad senarios that could happen. He sees no easy way out. That's why he's laying in bed crying silently to himself, just wanting to give up, but also knowing he can't. He's already attached to this baby. He needs some help, but not from Niall or Liam. He turns over and gets his phone from the bedside table and dials a number.


"Hey, Zayn."


"So, you're seriously pregnant? And it's seriously Louis'?" Zayn says in disbelief.

Harry sniffles, "Yeah it's horrible and i just don't know what to do. What do I do Z?"

"Shhh it's okay Haz" Zayn brings Harry into an embrace to comfort the boy. He has no idea what Harry is going through and he feels so horrible.

"I-its not okay Zayn. How am I supposed to tell him?"

"I don't know, H. But I'm sure we can figure something out. We're smart, right?"

"He's going to hate me so much." Harry whispers into Zayns chest. Zayn tightens his hold on Harry.

Zayn may have left the band, but he still loves all of the boys so much. He missed them all the time. We wishes they hung out more. He would do anything for any of them, especially Harry. He's everyone's baby, whether he likes it or not.

"He won't Haz. He can't." Zayn can't help but shed a small tear along with the boy. He can't imagine how Harry must feel.

"Hey H, I- Zayn?" Liam says walking into the room. Harry looks at him with confusion. When did he get here?

"Hi Li." Zayn says, releasing Harry from their embrace. He stands and scratches the back of his head, not knowing what to do or say.

Liam says nothing. He walks over to Zayn with and pulls him in for a hug.
"It's been too long, Z" he whispers. They pull back from the hug, although still in each other's arms.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Liam."

"Zayn!" Niall yells.

"Okay when the fuck did you guys get here?" Harry asks but is ignored when Zayn not only has Liam in his arms, but Niall now as well.

"Where's Louis?" Liam asks.

"I haven't heard from him in a few days" Niall says.

"Fuck I miss him" Zayn says softly.

"So do I" Harry says looking down sadly. Liam rubs Harry's back for comfort.

"How are you feeling, H?" Niall asks.

"I'm miserable. I can't find a way to tell Lou-"

"I meant physically. I know how you feel mentally. How's the baby and everything?"

"Oh, right. I just still feel a little nauseous sometimes but nothing out of the ordinary. I'm taking all my vitamins and stuff so.." Harry fades out. He hears a car door shut, as well as the others.

"Is that Louis?"

There question was answered when there was a loud bang on the door and Louis' muffled voice was heard, "Harry please open the door! I need to talk to you!"

Yours, Mine, Ours. | l.s auTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang