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This precious little baby peach is so cute and must be proTECTED ALWAYS. Enjoy xx


@Louis_Tomlinson Why does this not surprise me? Always knew you were a faggot

@Louis_Tomlinson YAy does this mean LARRY IS REAL



Louis knew he was going to get his ass chewed out for this. What was he thinking? Management was not going to like this at all, but it was too late. He is also making the big mistake of scrolling though this mentions. There is so much hate, but surprisingly, more love and support. Harry was right.

Harry. Fuck he must've seen this by now, along with the other boys. He hasn't gotten a text yet though. He knew Harry was going to be the most upset about this. He wanted them to come out together. Now Harry was still stuck in the closet by himself.

He still can't stop thinking about Harry being pregnant. He knew some males could get pregnant, but what were the odds that Harry could? He decides its time to talk to Harry and try and work things out. Would he want to talk to him? He takes out his phone and sends a quick text asking Harry if he would come over to Louis' flat so they could talk.

Harry texts back rather quickly and says he'll be over in a few minutes. Louis goes to the bathroom to look decent. Harry has seen him at his absolute worst, but he feels like he needs to look presentable for some reason. Must be the nerves.

Before he knew it there was a knock at the door. He lets Harry in and offers him a drink which Harry refuses and tells him he wants this talk over with. They have a seat on the couch.

"Harry, I'm so sorry I-"

"I've heard that bullshit before." Harry says rolling his eyes.

"Let me talk Harry, please?" Harry nods him on, "I am so fucking sorry for what I said to you. I know that you have it worse than me, but you have to understand that this news is shocking no matter who you are, no matter if you're the one carrying the baby or the one that isn't, it's still a little overwhelming to hear that, no matter who you are. I think I had somewhat of a right to freak out a little, yeah?"

"I understand that Lou, but you also did storm out and you didn't stay and talk. I understand that Liam, Zayn, and Niall were there but we could have asked them to leave right? Why didn't you talk to me sooner than this?"

"I was... scared. I was scared to do anything. I wasn't expecting that news and when I heard it I just, kind of blocked out everything. I don't know. I'm just so sorry. I want us to work, babe. I want it so bad-"

"Did you want it when you fucked me? Did you want it when told me you were going to dump Danielle but then the next day you guys were saying 'I love you'? Did you want it when you flaunted her in my face? Do you really want it now, Louis?" Harry snaps.

"Yes Harry. I want it so bad. I've been the worst boyfriend and most off all, the worst friend. You're my best friend Harry. You have been since X Factor. I didn't get these matching tattoos with you and write all of those songs about us for nothing. I love you so much Hazza. I know I'm horrible at showing it, but my love is there and it always will be. It's always you. Always you."

By now both boys have tears in their eyes, both just wanting to jump into each others arms and hug them so tight and kiss them until their mouths were dry, expressing their love through their light feathery touches on each others skin. And thats what they did.

Yours, Mine, Ours. | l.s auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें