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jiwoo: so let's run

jiwoo: make a great escape

jiwoo: and i'll be waiting outside for the getaway

jiwoo: it doesnt matter who we are

jiwoo: we'll keep running through the dark

jiwoo: and all we'll ever need is another day

jiwoo: we can slow down because tomorrow is another day

jiwoo: and live like shooting stars

jiwoo: cause happy endings are hardest to fake

park boii: I'll make sure your happy ending wont be faked

jiwoo: huh

jiwoo: it's just lyrics

park boii: I know

park boii: we've only known each other for a month, but still

park boii: you hate your town, and yeah, there's things i don't know about your past, but that doesn't change my feelings

park boii: if youre still in your town by this time in 3 months, i promise I'll be your getaway

jiwoo: Yoongi are you serious?

jiwoo: please, don't joke about that

park boii: im serious. im not your boyfriend, but i’m going to treat you like you deserve to be.

park boii: you obviously hate your town, and i love seeing you happy, so I'll take away what makes you sad

jiwoo: yoongi im fucking crying, thank you so much

jiwoo: i have no clue what we'll do after, but it'll work out

jiwoo: is has to

park boii: it will

jiwoo: how about i call you my boyfriend?

park boii: are you serious?

jiwoo: 100%. you treat me better than anyone ever has, and you make me happy

jiwoo: im so happy i carved my number into that bench

park boii: im so happy you did too

park boii: does that mean i get to call you my girlfriend?

jiwoo: of course you do



park boii: im suing

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park boii: im suing

jiwoo: ight

jiwoo: im really tired from crying happy tears, so I'm gonna go to sleep, but genuinely happy

jiwoo: thank you so much, Yoongi

jiwoo: thank you so much, yoongle*

park boii: y must u be this way

jiwoo: u lov me anyway

park boii: yeah u rite

jiwoo: SHOOK

[‘jiwoo’ has logged off!]



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