Challenger Approaching!!

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It's been three weeks since I became the champion of Alola, and the whole events that happened at the festival professor Kukui was throwing for me. I kept thinking about what happened at back then. Why Gladion so suddenly showed up at the last second, and why he was being more opened then he usually is. All this just didn't quit click with me. But then again, it doesn't really matter now does it? I should just accept Gladion's new ways. Especially since, I liked it.

I liked how he was being more opened towards me and Hau. Not to mention...his smile. I liked the way he smiled. I wish, I could see it everyday.

But now that I am champion, I have work to do unfortunately. Who knows if I'm even going to see my friends every day now. I have to be at the Pokémon league frequently, and I can totally see why Professor Kukui doesn't really want to be champion of the Pokémon League he created.

"Mom, I'm off to the Pokémon league! I'll be right back!" I yelled before opening the door. But when I did, my mother touched my shoulder and I looked back at her, confused.

"What is it mother?" I asked.

"(F/N), take it easy okay? I know it's a hard job to be champion, but you should take some time off eventually. Don't push yourself too hard. If you need a rest, just do so okay?" My mom said.

Before I replied, I hugged my mother. "Okay, I promise I won't push myself too hard," I assured her, and she hugged me back.

"Did you have something to eat, too?" Mom said as she broke the hug.

"Yeah, I did," I answered.

"Good, you'll need it to win."

"Yeah, bye."

"Good bye!"

While I was walking, I looked back and waved. As I was walking, I realized that the Pokémon league is on Mountain Lanakila, which is on Ula'Ula island. There is no way I can walk to Ula' Ula island from Melele Island.

So u grabbed out my Page rider, and called out Charizard. When the fire Pokémon appeared, I asked, "Charizard, get me to Mountain Lanakila please."

Charizard nodded and I got on top of its back. We got to Mountain Lanakila in no time flat.

I pet Charizard before it flew away, and disappeared into the sky.

"Alright, here it is, the Pokémon league," I said to myself. "I wonder if there is going to be any challengers today. The Pokémon League is still relatively new," I wondered.

Unfortunately, I could not enter the champion's room until I beat the elite four yet again. Honestly, it pissed me off at first. But someone once told me, that in every situation I should look at the bright side. In this case, the bright side is that I can receive more prize money. Who DOESN'T want prize money?

Eagerly, I once again defeated Hala, Olivia, Acerola, and Kahili, and received the prize money. I then stepped into the rainbow colored like portal and transferred into the champion's room.

"Looks like there's no challengers here yet," I said as I looked around. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait a bit," I said as I stepped over to the champion's chair.

As soon as I sat down, a challenger approached me. Perfect timing. It was a raven haired boy who I never saw before. He wore a blue and white striped T-shirt with a grayish cap.

"Uh...hi! Welcome to the Pokémon league. I'm the champion, (F/N)! You are...?" I introduced, rather nervously.

"I am Sun," The boy I now know as Sun introduced himself. "I moved to the Alola region from the Kanto region. I heard that the Alola region is a nice place."

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