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After all the battling that happened on Route 5, I decided to take a trip to the Pokémon Center. My Pokémon were pretty worn out from the battling. So was I.
When I was inside the Pokémon Center, I handed Nurse Joy my Pokémon. As she was taking care of them, I ordered a coffee while I waited for my Pokémon to finish healing. 
In Kanto or any other region, don't have a coffee stand in the Pokémon Center unlike Alola. So I found it kind of cool. 
"(F/N)!" I heard someone say as they laid there hand on top of my shoulder. I shuddered at the sudden action. Looking behind myself, I saw Hau.
"Hau... what are you doing?!"  I asked a little ticked off.
"I just wanted to share some masalda with you!" Hau said happily.
"Well... okay sure why not? I haven't had much to eat after all that hard battling." I say.
Hau handed me a crispy Masalda. I took a bite out of it and I flustered from the tasty tecture.
"Hehe. You like it huh?" Hau said. Slightly teasing me.
"Yeah... I do!" I said.
"(F/N), your Pokémon are completely finished healing." Nurse Joy annouced.
I walked over to her. "Thank you ma'ma." I thanked her and grabbed my Pokeballs.
"Alright, let's head out now!" Hau said.
"Okay, but to were?" I asked.
"Didn't you say you were going to challenge the trail captain?" 
"Yeah I did." 
"Then do just that!" 
"Okay. But... what about you?" 
"I'll do my own thing!"
"Alright then. If you insist. But first, I gotta buy some potions." I say as I walked towards the Poke market.
"I guess I'll get some too then!" Hau said following right behind me.


Hau and I both walked out of the Pokémon Center together. Parting ways, I turned right and he turned left. 
I've got to admit. I was a little sad parting ways from Hau. He's a good friend and I wanted him to stay for a bit longer. Although, I'd sound clingy if I did say that in front of him.
After Hau left, I was on my own.
I wondered around town looking for a bit looking for the trail captain. I didn't know who he or she was.
I sat on a random bench I found. I was a little tired from all the unnecessary walking I did. While I was resting my feet, I saw a Team Skull grunt fishing. Since he was fishing I'm sure he wasn't doing anything wrong.
That is... until I saw him holding a slowpoke, and he had a knife next to it. Was he seriously planning on murdering an innocent helpless Slowpoke? The poor Pokémon wasn't even doing anything wrong.
I squinted my eyes and stood up so I can get a closet look at what the Team Skull grunt was planning to do with the Slowpoke.
Then, I saw another grunt walk over. I walked over a little bit too so I can hear what they are saying.
"Are you planning on selling that Slowpoke tail, bro?" 
"You know it!"
A light bulb popped inside my head. I do recall that some people actually cut off Slowpoke tail to sell them.
I wouldn't allow them to cut off any Slowpoke tail. So I rushed over to the two. 
"Selling Slowpoke tail is just plain cruel! I get that you're evil and all, but still! Don't you at least have a little bit of heart inside you?" I yelled.
"Oh come on! Team Skull needs to make some money yeah know?" One of the grunt said.
"Yeah! We need it!" The grunt with a knife said.
"Stop it! I don't care if you need money!" I yelled.
"Look, I know your strong. I saw you beat Gladion. So I won't have a Pokémon battle with you." The grunt with a knife said.
"You... won't?" 
"Nope. But maybe I might have a pysical battle with you."
My eyebrow raised. What did he mean by that? I tried to process my brain, but I still couldn't comprehend with him.
He took his knife and pointed it to my neck. "Now do you get it?" 
I felt my entire body shake in fear. I'm defenseless now! What will I do to get him to let go of me? 
I could punch him... but my punches are as light as a feather. There's no way that could stop him from harassing me.
"You know what? I'll give up on the Slowpoke." The grunt turned his head towards the other grunt. "Let it go." He commanded.
He did exactly what he was ordered to do.
"Instead, give me YOUR Pokémon." 
"I will never do that!" 
"Come on. Just do it already!" He said.
"N-no way! I sputtered.
"Stop it. Leave her alone. You're taking this too far." A voice said.
I turned my head to the surprisingly fimilar voice. It was none other than Gladion. 
"Oh come on. I wasn't really going to do it. I'm not that evil." The grunt swore. With that, he walked away. 
"Aren't you... a team skull memeber? Why did you stop him for me?" I asked. Looking straight at him.
Gladion turned his head away from me and closed his eyes gently.
"No special reason. It just seemed a tad too cruel to do to someone. Wouldn't you agree?" Gladion said.
"Yeah... I agree." I said while looking down.
When Gladion said that it would be too cruel, I started to ponder. 
No special reason? This is Gladion we are talking about. How can he NOT have a special reason to help me out with the Team Skull grunt who harassed me. He's a memeber of Team Skull himself.
"Look... I know you're thinking about my sudden actions but..." Gladion trailed off.
"Well..." I paused for a brief moment before continuing. "It doesn't matter WHY you decided to help me. It's the fact that you helped me is what matters." I said cheerfully.
"Yeah... I guess you're right." Gladion said. A little quieter from his usual tone. "Well... I'll see you later." Gladion slowly walked away from me.
"Wait! I..." I trailed off.
He stopped and turned his head over to me. "What is it?" 
"Thank you. We should become friends since you don't seem to be all that bad!" I suggested.
"I don't know about that..." Gladion replied in a rather deep tone. 
"Well I..." I didn't say anything after because he walked away. Leaving me behind.
Author's Note
This story is also on Quotev! Please go follow me on Quotev. My username is ChibiStories, just like my username on Wattpad.

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