Ultra Beasts

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The four of us all walked into the portal. When we got there, I cringed at the things I witnessed. There were Pokémon who looked like they've been freezes in a capsule. I could not believe what was right in front of my eyes. Lusamine was using the Pokemon she was helping. It was total cringe! She was doing just as bad things Team Skull was doing. Wicke, an Aether Foundation employee, seemed so innocent and I´m honestly shocked she's part of this evil organization. 
But I have to set those thoughts aside and focus on stopping Lusamine and her crazy plans. ¨Mother, don´t open the wormhole! Nebby... will die if it uses too much of it´s power." Lillie pleaded. She seemed really concerned about Nebby, and I could hear a crack in her voice.
¨Don´t call me mother! I don´t have any children!" Lusamine yelled. She then paused for a moment before she continued. ¨The daughter who stole Cosmog from me and the son who stole Type: Null from me! All I did was shower my love for you two and this is how you repay me!" Lusamine screeched on the top of her lungs.
Hau then looked around before saying, ¨Wait, you all are a family??"
¨Maybe, we once were, sweet Hau. But that doesn´t matter anymore. None of it does. Those children don´t belong to me anymore. So I will open the wormhole and shower my love on the Ultra Beasts! They´ll appreciate my love unlike these wretched children.¨ Lusamine ranted as she opened the wormhole using Nebby´s powers.
As the wormhole was being opened, I saw the Ultra Beasts that are currently being released from the wormhole. Nebby was crying from inside the little capsule it was being held in. 
¨Nebby!"Lillie yelled out. 
¨What a noisy Pokemon you are. Making such a loud sound even while you´re in there?¨ Lusamine said coldly. 
She then ignored the Pokemon as if nothing even happened. I saw a smirk creeping up on her face as she gazed upon the Ultra Beasts. 
Suddenly, Guzma appeared. Lusamine turned around and faced him. "Guzma! Come with me." Lusamine commanded as she jumped right into the wormhole, and Guzma did the same. 
"M-mother!" Lillie stuttered out.
Before we knew it, the wormhole disappeared. Nebby for some reason changed its appearance and wasn't moving. Not at all. 
"What's... wrong with Nebby? It's not moving, and it got smaller." Lillie cried.
Gladion did his signature pose and said, "Hmph. Let's just get out of here. Nothing good can happen." He then walked away and Hau, Lillie, and me followed right behind him.
When we got out of Lusamine's little secret hide out, we saw none other than Wicke. 
"Hello children. I'm glad you're okay!" Wicke exclaimed.
"More or less. We still have to do a lot. Like stop the ultra beats and the president." Gladion said.
"You're right. And you four need your rest before you can do any of that. So I'll let you all sleep here." Wicke suggested.
"We'll take you up on your offer!" Hau said rather happily.
"I'll sleep here. This is the bed I shared with my mother when I was small." Lillie said. Looking at a bed with white sheets and small designs.
Wicke walked over to another room. I was put in a room with a really nice designs. In fact, I thought the entire Aether Paradise had pretty designs. But I let that thought slip. For, it wasn't very important. 
I tried my best to fall asleep, but there were many different thought running through my mind. How will I be able to stop the Ultra Beats? They seem very powerful. 
But that's not what got to me the most. What got to me was... Gladion. Yes, Gladion. The boy I've known almost all my journey. Even though I had known him for a pretty decent amount of time, I never even realized this but... 
I loved him.
No, not in a friendly way. More of a romantic way. I don't know why, but I do. There was just that one thing he had in him that has gotten to me that appealed to me.
The rest of the night, I pondered and pondered.
Since I fell asleep terribly late last night, Wicke had to come into my bedroom and wake me up. 
"Miss (F/N), I please wake up. Lillie is waiting for you outside." Wicke said.
Before getting up, I rubbed my eyes and yawned loudly. "Yeah. Okay just a sec." I mumbled. 
Wicke left the room and I combed my hair, since I had a well, uh.... bed head. 
When I got outside, I saw Lillie. Her appearance changed drastically. She tied her hair up into a fancy ponytail, and instead of wearing her dress, she wore a t shirt and a mini skirt. 
"Good morning (F/N)! I picked these clothes up with Hapu. Does it suit me?" Lillie asked.
"Of course it does!" I replied happily.
"Thank you (F/N). I've had this for awhile now. I just... never had the courage to put them on until now." Lillie admitted.
Out of no where, Gladion appeared. When I saw him, I jumped a little due to the fact that I realized that I loved him. 
"(F/N), I found this. You should keep it." Gladion said as he handed out a purple Pokeball. It was a Master Ball. 
My eyes grew as wide as dinner plates and I exclaimed out, "It's a master ball!" 
"Yeah. I also found this." He handed me a blue flute. I was absolutely clueless about the flute. 
"It's a Moon Flute. If you play it with the Sun Flute, it'll bring the legendary Pokemon. Well, at least that's what the myths say." Gladion explained.
"Gladion do you have the Sun Flute as well?" Lillie asked.
"Yes. I do." Gladion also handed me the Sun Flute. 
"(F/N) we should play them so we can bring the legendary Pokemon." Lillie said.
"Okay sure." I agreed.
Hau also appeared out of no where. He had a joyful smile on his face.
"(F/N)! Howzit?? And... whoa! It's Lillie! You look different." 
Before saying anything, Lillie giggled. "Do you think my outfit suits me?" 
"Yeah! You look fantastic!" Hau said.
"Thank you Hau!" Lillie said.
Hau always seems to care for Lillie, and for that reason I shipped them like Fedex. 
"What was that?" Gladion snarled.
Even though I thought it was a cute ship, Gladion doesn't seem to approve it. He sounded like an over protective brother to Lillie.
"Yeah know, I still haven't done Acerola's Island Trail yet! So I'm a little behind. I'll go do her trail." Hau said. Completely ignoring Gladion's little comment.
"Okay. What about you Gladion?" Lillie asked.
"I'll stay here and fix this mess." Gladion replied.
"Alright then. Let's get to Poni Island (F/N)." 
"I can get you there at least." Gladion said.
Lillie and I arrived at Poni Island. I've never been to this Island before, and I was really looking forward to it. Catching new Pokémon and seeing new places is indeed a good experience to have.
"Gladion, thank you for taking us here. But when you left, mother got so bad after that, and if I haven't meet Wicke..." Lillie trailed off. Not Continuing. Gladion must've understood what Lillie was going to say after that.
"I know... I wasn't there for you when you needed me," Gladion apologized.
"Bye brother. Thank you again. For everything," Lillie thanked Gladion and the two of us headed off to go revive the legendary Pokemon of Alola. 
"Here it is (F/N). This is where we summon the legendary Pokemon of Alola," Lillie said.
"Do you seriously think this will work?" I asked.
Lillie puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms. "Oh honestly (F/N), I really am hoping it will so we can rescue my mother in the wormhole," Lillie said.
"Okay fine," 
"Now let's play the flute together okay?" 
I didn't say anything. Just nodded my head in response. Never in my life have I ever played a flute. Or any instrument in that case. But for some reason, the sound coming from my flute came out perfectly in synced with Lillie's flute.
I saw Lillie's backpack flying out to where the wind was coming from. Nebby came out of it and glowed. Then it evolved into the legendary Pokemon Lunala.
"N-nebby?? You evolved!" Lillie exclaimed. "I never knew you could've evolved into the legendary Pokemon of Alola." Lillie then shook her head. "Nebby, I need you to help me and (F/N). We need to get to the wormhole to save my mother. Help us. Please," Lillie pleaded.
Without warning, Nebby grabbed the two of us and took us right to where we wanted to go. The place was a little unusual. A lot different from what I imagined. 
"(F/N), where should we start looking?" Lillie asked.
"I'm not sure. But maybe Rotom can pin point Lusamine's location. He always does that for me whenever I need to get someplace," I explained.
"Okay. That's a good idea!" Lillie said.
I grabbed out Rotom from my bag. For some reason, Rotom's screen was black. Usually, it wasn't like that. I got a little concerned but remained calm. Until, it wouldn't wake up.
"Lillie, Rotom isn't responding to me! I don't know why!" I said dramatically.
"Perhaps it's this place. It doesn't work here," Lillie guessed.
"Probably," I sighed and looked down. 
The place was large. After awhile of wondering around the place, we saw not Lusamine but instead, Guzma. 
"Hey, two kids looking for Lusamine right?" Guzma asked.
"Yes we are," Lillie replied.
"She's right over there," Guzma said while pointing back.
"Okay thanks," I thanked him and Lillie and I walked over to the area Guzma pointed to.
There, we saw Lusamine. She was sitting around with an Ultra Beast, and glaring right at Lillie and I.
"What are you two children doing here? You two aren't beautiful enough for my love," Lusamine asked coldly. 
"Mother, please come back with us. This place isn't fit for a human," Lillie pleaded.
"You came all the way over here just to bring me back to that awful place? Here, I can live with the things I love. Even you cannot be that stupid,"
"Mother, listen. Children are not tools. Just like how Pokemon aren't tools," Lillie preached.
"Oh really? Well you know I'm actually not too different from your little friend over there," Lusamine said. Referring to me.
As soon as I heard Lusamine say that, I immediately got curious about what she meant by "not too different". My eyes grew wide and I carefully listened to what she had to say next.
"What do you do with a Pokemon you no longer need in your party?" Lusamine asked. "Let me answer that for you. You store it in your PC box they're pointless for you now," Lusamine said with a smirk on her face.
As much as I hated to admit it... Lusamine was actually right! I looked down in anger. Clutched my fists tightly, and a tick mark grew on my face. Clearly, I was anger with Lusamine, and her little smirk across her face didn't help solve matters at all. 
"When you and Gladion were small, both of you would listen to my every command without question. For a moment of time, you both were beautiful. Even for me! But ever since you met that wretched trainer (F/N), both of you have changed! I don't need you or Gladion anymore!" Lusamine continued. 
My fists tightened and I have had enough of her insults. I was about to tell her off in a very rude yet calm manner. Until, Lillie preached once more. 

"Mother! I am alive! Gladion is alive! And Cosmog is alive! We are not just things for you to collect and discard whenever you please! We have feelings! You cannot just do whatever you want whenever you want! Think about others for a change won't you?" 
"Lilllie! Enough of this useless talk! I will stay here with the ultra beasts! They are worthy of my love! Not you!" Lusamine yelled and somehow, she was fused with Nihilego. Her hair turned black and she challenged me to a battle. 
The battle was relatively hard for me. But somehow, I managed to defeat Lusamine. I always manage to break through any challenging threat for some reason, and I am glad that I could. 
"Lillie..." I heard Lusamine say faintly. "When did you get beautiful?" 

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