Lillie's secret

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While I was walking, I spotted Lillie in the corner of my eyes. She was looking at what appeared to be the sky. 

I heard Lillie talking to herself from afar. I couldn't really hear her but I did manage to understand her words. 
"What an amazing view. I wish... I can share it with you." Lillie said while gazing into the night sky with beautiful stars that shone ever so brightly.
Then... Lillie's bag moved on it's own. How did that happen?
"Don't move Nebby! If anyone finds out you're in there, we'll get into trouble." Lillie said as she continued to stare off into the view of the beautiful night sky. 
I think I had have enough of just watching Lillie.
Walking up to her, I tapped her shoulder gently to get her attention.
Which, I probably shouldn't have done because she got a little startled. "Eek! Oh! Uh... sorry (F/N)! Um... what did you need?" Lillie said.
"I just wanted to tell you that Hau and I planned to meet at the malsalda restraunt. Wanna come with us?" I asked.
"Oh Hau. Always up for Malsaldas. Yeah sure. I'll join you," Lillie agreed to come along as she nodded her head in agreement.
The two of us walked together to the restraunt. We talked a little bit. But whenever we started to talk, the coversation would last only for a little while. The reason being, is that I am diffinetly NOT good at keeping the conversation on going, unfortunately for me.
Until, Lillie brought up a rather... mysterious topic...
"(F/N), I'm curious. Does your... mom pick your outfit for you? Or do you pick your outfit yourself?" Lillie asked with her head hanging down.
"Well, now I pick it out myself. But when I was younger she picked my outfit for me," I explained.
"Ah. That DOES seem like the normal thing to do. My mother always just picks my clothes for me," 
"Oh I see. Is that... why you asked me?"
"Yes. It is." 
"I think you should try picking your own clothes Lillie!" 
"You think I should?" Lillie brought her head back up when I suggested that. 
"Yeah! We'll stop by at the clothes store when we are done having snack with Hau," I said.
"Okay! Sounds good!"

The amount of food Hau can can eat is uncanny. That boy literally stuffs every malsalda he sees on the table. Although, he does try to leave three or four on the table so Lillie and I can have seconds.
"Hau, don't you sometimes get tired of eating malsaldas?" Lillie asked.
"Nope not at all Lillie!" Hau replied.
"Well of course you don't Hau," I said with a tiny sweat drop on my forehead.
"(F/N)! Are you going to challenge the Island trail?" Hau asked.
"Well of course I am! I'll try to bear every last one of them," 
"That's good! Because I'm going to beat them as well!" 
"Lillie. Is there anything you'd like to do?" I asked.
"No. I'm just going to learn more about Pokémon," 
"Ah, okay!" 

The three of us finished our little snack and Hau went off training for his Island trail. I was going to do the same thing as well but I promised Lillie I'd help her pick out some clothing at the shop.
"(F/N), is it okay that I feel a tad bit nervous about getting new clothes?" Lillie asked.
"Uh... nope! Not at all," I said a little fast paced since I kind of DID find it a little weird. Like... they're just clothes.
But it's not like I can judge Lillie. I'm sure there's a good reason for her to be a little nervous. She is my friend that's a fact. But I still don't know everything abut her or her family. She is a little mysterious...
When Lillie opened the door I could tell she was thinking about changing her mind. So I decided to say something to get her back into the mood.
"Alright Lillie. See anything that catches your eye?" I asked.
"Umm... well not a clothe but rather a bag," Lillie replied.
"Oh really? Show me," 
Lillie walked over to a pink backpack. I guess the pink color must've just appealed to her.
"Alright then. Anything besides that?" I asked.
"No not yet," 
"Okay then. Take your time! No need to rush," I said beaming with a smile.

When Lillie finished picking out her clothes, she went to a changing room to put them on.
The clothes Lillie chose were so cute I almost asked her to let ME have it instead! But the dress she was wearing before was also SUPER cute! 
I was about to ask her if I could keep it if she wasn't going to wear it ever again. 
"(F/N)!" Lillie called out when she exited the changing room. "How do I look?" 
"You look really cute Lillie!" I answered truthfully.
"Wow. Thanks (F/N)!" 
"Yeah anytime Lillie!"
The more I stared at Lillie. The more I thought. Her blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and pale skin reminded me of HIM. The similarities were just too sureal.
Why did she remind me of HIM?
Their personalities were completely different that's for sure. Lillie is an innocent girl who assists Professor Kukui while Gladion is an enforcer for Team Skull.

But despite their major difference in personality, I still held a theory in my mind.
Lillie and Gladion are related. 
Although I diffinetly can be WRONG about my theory. But the only way to test that theory is by asking.
"Hey Lillie," I said. Breaking the silcence between us. "Um... by any chance do you have a brother? Or... maybe even a sister?" 
"I do have a brother. But no not a sister," Lillie answered.
"Oh... okay I see,"
"I haven't seen my brother lately at all. I do hope he's okay," 
"I'm sure that he's just fine," I assured her.
But you know... I don't think he's fine at all. He's a Team Skull memeber. Why would he choose to join them?

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