Chapter 6 Setting Traps To Catch A Dragon

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The mercenaries looked at Jack like he had two heads. " What, you never heard of a dragon before?" Jack asked. Scout spoke up first. " Yeah, in freaking fairy tales, but dragons ain't real!" Jack smiled at him and asked, " what do you think was flying overhead just now? Face it friend, your with dragons now."

After discussing their options, they decided helping Jack was their best hope at getting home. " Ol'roight Jack, what do ya need us tah do mate?" Sniper asked, his brow arched and arms crossed. " its quite simple." Jack said, handing them some boxes. " In these boxes are Plasma Dragon Traps, camouflage and gems for bait." There were 3 groups. Soldier, Demoman and Heavy. Medic, Spy and Engineer. And Pyro, Scout and Sniper. Heavy,Medic and Sniper took the boxes, being the most responsible members of their groups, and set off to place them down.

Meanwhile Jack had just got off the phone with his client. The job had gotten a little harder since they wanted the dragon alive. So he only loaded tranquilizers into his gun. If he missed and got attacked, he couldn't get help since there was no mistaking a dragon attack. And hunting dragons was punishable by life in prison. And to top it off, his client said that if he was caught, they would kill him before it could be traced back to them. Normally he wouldn't take such a job, but the money was to good to pass up. 50 grand was how much they were paying him to catch a stupid winged reptile.

Jack decided to go back and see how the people he had tricked into putting themselves into danger were doing.

You see, dragons are highly territorial creatures, but lucky for our mercenaries the dragons haven't had time to fully lay claim to the area yet, so they were safe. For now.

When Jack returned he was surprised to see them already back. He thought it would have taken 2 out of the 3 groups much longer, since they seemed to be mostly full of idiots. He still thought they were idiots, but they were efficient idiots. Sniper turned to talk to Jack. " Why the bloody e'll are those traps glowin? " He asked. " They are specially made traps that burn through dragon scales to hold them in place. Don't worry though, dragon scales grow back eventually." Jack replied.

Scout looked at him a little nervous. " Hey buddy is what we doin here... Legal? Cause I really don't feel like going to jail. "  Jack donned a slightly creepy smile " why are you asking about this now? It doesn't matter now anyways, you need my help to get the metal you need. So even if it is Illegal, you've all already aided me. But now i guess il tell you the next part of the plan."

He paused making sure everyone was listening. They were, but they had begun to sense something odd about Jack. Heavy , Soldier , Medic and Engineer all stepped a little closer to the rest of the team, and Sniper pulled Scout a little closer to the rest of them.

Jack continued. " Once the dragon has been caught in the trap, Ill sneak into its lair and steal the metal they hoard. Every dragon has a hoard of Gold, Metal and gems. Some have other things as well, but all dragons have those 3 things. And don't worry about the other dragons, they probably wont be much larger than a pony or horse."

" I don't think the dragons are that small, considering how large the shadows were. But maybe they shadows were just bigger than the actual dragons. And I did dive face first into a rose bush after seeing the first one, so maybe they are that small."  Scout thought.

But Sniper thought different.  "There's no way in e'll those buggers are only the size of a bleedin pony. Maybe the last one but the others have to be massive to produce such a roar."  The rest of the team was skeptical, but nodded their heads in understanding. All except for Sniper, he just scowled and wondered what they had gotten themselves into. 

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