Chapter Fourty-Two

Start from the beginning

Jessie’s eyes follow him until he is out of the room, she sights.

"You like him don't you?" I ask her, as she looks up with big eyes.

"I don't know, it's different..."

"I know you won't believe me, but I know how you feel"

"What do you mean?"

"I kept walking away from my feelings because I was scared" I tell her, "but eventually when I told Zayn about it, it felt amazing... Till a certain point"

"Wait, you're the girl from Australia, right? You and Zayn dated, and when he had to fake date Perrie, you broke up, and he was all depressed and really weird, am I right?"

"Yes, but I don't know about the depressed and really weird part. We made things up only last week, it was the first time we talked again in several months"

"He told me all about it.  He is really nervous for your date tonight. He came to me earlier, asking for advice"

"Really?" I ask trying not to smile that much, but URGH ZAYN IS SO CUTE.

"Yup, but I am not telling you anything. Just wait, it will be amazing"

"It’s better that he’s not here right now, because I find a nervous Zayn pretty attractive"

"I have to tell that he really changed since you two are sort of back together. I know it's only has been, but normally he was grumpy, and hasn't been grumpy ever since you two made things up. So it was a good choice to have that talk with him"

"Urgh, that is so cute, it's just really stupid that this is all so weird. I mean I don't know what is going on between us, because this is going to be out first sort of date, but it's been a week and I think that's a bit too..." I say but get caught of by some boy walking into the room.

"Baaabeeee" we hear someone say.

Speaking of the devil itself. Zayn, dressed just as himself, luckily, walks in with a 'look-how-cute-I-am-don’t-you-love-me-?'-smile on his face.

And yes, he is cute, and yes, I also love him. And that's not just because he is back in his own cloths again... Well, that is also one of the important reasons.

"That's so much better than you as a women" I tell him while he puts his arm around me.

"I was Veronica, the sexy-assistant"

"You did look good, for a man in a skirt"

"Learned from my sisters"

"You did look like your mom" Jessie and I say at the same time.

"Holy fuck that was creepy..." Zayn says looking weird at us. 

"Curl-telepathy" we say and give each other a high five before we start about how cool it would actually be if our curls would connect.

"Yeah indeed, really cool. Well I’m going to find my band mates, see you two crazy kids later" Zayn says, but Jessie and I kind of don't really pay attention, sorry cutie.

"Bye" he says kissing my cheek and walking away.



They know each other for two minutes and they're already best friends. I don't know if that's normal for every girl, or if it only counts with curly girls... Oh well, it's good they like each other, otherwise it would really suck. Emily would probably make those sassy comments and Jessie might start a fight... Altho Em is also capable of that.

"Hey cutie" I hear Emily say as I turn around, "why didn't you change back into the sexy assistant?"


"That makes so much sense, that it absolutely doesn't make sense"

"I know right? Well the boys and I going to dance, and try to look like a real boy band. And after that well go to my place"

"Alright, I'll just sit here and watch you and try not to laugh"

"Good girl" I say and give her a quick soft kiss.

This thing we have... Or we don't have. Is so confusing. We aren't really dating, but we do kiss, and I'm taking her on a sort of date. I'm going to make some good, professional looking food, and we can just chill and maybe watch a stupid movie. I just want it to be cozy. So I'm going to dance my butt of, in the hope we'll finish this quick, so I can cuddle with my soon to be girlfriend.



Alright when I say that Zayn is cute when he dances, I mean he is the top of cute ness, just a few places lower than sleepy or sick Zayn. Why? Because he tries so hard, but he knows he is terrible at it. Ifs great to see that every time he has to dance he has less problems with it.

He used to be afraid to dance while I was around, but now he even dances through the house... Well he did in Australia and when we got back, I don't really know if he still does that, because we only got sort of back together last week... Which is actually not true, because we aren't really back together. We just kiss and we're going on a date, he didn't really ask me to be his girlfriend again, so I don't know in which stage we are right now. Urgh, why does love always have to be so complicated?

The boys really ttry their best to make it look like they're having the best time of their life, especially Harry. He is smiling like he is the sun of the teletubies. Liam and Niall are just doing what they're told, altho Niall looks really proud of himself. Louis on the other hand just goes crazy, shaking his hips from side to side and doing the shimmy like it's the last thing he will ever do. And then there is Zayn. My sweet, cute little I-can’t-dance-Zayn. He tries to look like a really cool guy, but he really doesn't realize he is just being a cutie.

"And cut, that's it guys. It was perfect. You are free to go now" someone says after the boys made their final move.

Everyone starts cheering, and clapping, happy the long day is finally over, and happy with the amazing dance moves.

"Don't laugh at me, or start about it" Zayn says walking over to me.

"You were cute" I tell him.

"I do not care, because I am in the coolest boy band ever, and use we are horrible dances, but it's so amazing to go on dates with us. So shall we go?"

Zayn, that was one of the most smooth and creative ways to ask me to go with you. And I shall go with you.

"I'd love to" I tell him. We tell everyone goodbye, and leave the building.


had my first day at my internship and i already got friends from 6year old :)

for every1 who wants to know @dreamingonherside is jessie bc her name is jessie and bc she is a little niall girl and she has curls


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