Chapter 19

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A few months had passed after school opens, and we were enrolled into Central South University.

For the passing few months, there's time when Yixing is busy, and that is time when he's not busy too.

Today, is a day when he's not really busy. We decided to go out to somewhere that not many of the people knows Yixing and relax there. We chose a park which is quite far away. The weather is cloudy, and I think that it's about to rain.

"Do you think that we should just cancel our plan and go back to the town?" I asked, looking out to the sky.

"Maybe it wouldn't rain later?"

"I hope so." I sighed and replied.

"Jiahui." Yixing suddenly called, caressing my hair softly. "Is there anywhere that you want to go?" He asked.

"Hmm, if you're asking...then there's a lot. I want to go to Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Hongkong, Macau, Xi'an, Luoyang, Guilin, Chengdu and a lot more." I grinned.

"We'll go there one by one in the future." He smiled.

"Really?" My eyes brightened. "I've never went out from Hunan, Yixing. The only places I've travelled to is Zhangjiajie and Fenghuang." I sighed.

"It's okay, you have me. I'll bring you to all over the world, to any places that you want to go."


"Yeah, I promise you, you'll go to wherever you want to go." He smiled and patted my hands slightly.

"It's raining already, Yixing-ah." I looked out and said. I looked back to him and found him driving seriously.

"Hmm, it's been a long time since it rains in Changsha." Yixing replied. "Hey, Jiahui." He suddenly called.

"What is it?" I asked back. "I have an idea." He grinned at me and said.

"What idea?"

"I've seen a lot of couples doing this and I am wondering if we can too. Playing around in the rain." He said. "Well, I was worried that you might get sick because of that though, Jiahui."

"I've got no problem with that, Yixing." I flashed a wide smile at him and told him.

Both of us got in the rain after Yixing parked his car in the parking lot of the park that we planned to go. We actually just took a walk like how we've planned, the difference is only, we're not under cover.

"You have classes tomorrow?" Yixing suddenly asked.

"Yeah. Two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. My classes tomorrow are until four o' clock." I replied. "How about you, Yixing?"

"They're more focus on internship for third year. Since I already owned a company, so I just need to attend classes."

"That's good." I nodded. "At least you'll have more time for your company." I said.

"And more time for you too." He smiled, and patted my head softly. He slipped his hands down to mine, and held it tightly. "After I graduate...I might not have much time left for you so I have to appreciate the times we have now."

"I'll still be staying there all the time, Yixing. I'm always with you." I said. "It's getting cold, Yixing. We should go back before both of us catch a cold."

"Yeah, we should." Yixing just smiled at me and said. He took down his coat which is already wet too and cover it on me. "Here you go. Let's go back, Jiahui." He held on my hands once again and said.

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