Chapter 9

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I felt my face turned red upon his words, you have me.

Yixing then cleared his throat and said, "What I meant by can count on me that you wouldn't fall down. Trust me."

"Ahh, okay."

There were a lot of cameramans outside the car the moment we arrived. Yeah, of course there would be. Yixing is an important guest to them. When we reached there, he turned to me and said, "Don't think too much and don't bother too much about how people look at you. You just have to remember, you're not a student now, you are my partner for today."

I nodded slightly. He gave me an assuring smile and went down from the car, while I followed behind him, taking his hands which awaits outside the car.

Sounds of flashes, cameras clicking was everywhere. I assume that the cameramans are just from the school magazine of our school or maybe some from the photography club since this is a closed event which is not actually open to the others.

It was hard for me to pass through all those cameras, especially that most of the faces are faces that I usually see in school.

When we finally got in, I felt relief, as there's no cameras anymore.

"Are you okay?" Yixing asked once we got in. I smiled and nodded. "I'm fine."

"Jiahui!" I heard someone called behind me. I turned and found that it was Jiayi...with Luhan.

"Sister." I greeted her and smiled.

"Wow, you look really...breathtaking." She complimented. I looked down to myself, then asked, "Am I?"

"Yeah! Remind me to take a picture with you later." She told me. I nodded and said, "Sure. You look good too, sis."

"You're better than me." She told me, then turned to Yixing. "I'm Jiahui's sister, Li Jiayi. You're Mr. Zhang Yixing, am I right?"

"Yeah, I am. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Jiayi smiled widely. Well, Jiayi will sometimes tell me how amazing Yixing is when we're home. I am impress with how she could manage to hide her fangirl heart in front of Yixing, unlike Xueyu and Crystal who will just drool over him even they're seeing his pictures.

"We should go now." I heard Yixing whispered beside me.

"Ahh right. We'll be going first, sis."

"Okay! Have fun." She winked at me and told me. I was practically ignoring Luhan who was standing beside Jiayi all the time.

"Ex?" Yixing suddenly asked.

"Uh, yeah." I nodded.

"Oh well, I'm quite surprise that your sister is actually with him." He commented.

"My sister likes him."

"I see." He nodded in replied.


"Is he the reason?" I heard someone asked beside me. I looked towards my side and found that it was Luhan. He was wearing a white tuxedo and looks like a prince.

"Who? Yixing?" I asked silently. I was outside for some fresh air, expecting to be alone but he just appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes, Zhang Yixing." He looked at me and said with a serious tone. The way he says Yixing's name made me shivered.

"No. Yixing is just a friend."

"Jiahui, I really want to know why."

"I suppose that I've told you."

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