Chapter 7

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"Jiahui! You have to see this!" Xueyu exclaimed through the phone.

"What is it?" I asked, as I poured the water into a cup.

"You want me to screenshot it for you or you'll just go on to the website of our school and check?"

"Well, I'm opening the browser in computer now." I took a sip of the water as I sat down in front of the computer. "What happened?"

"I can't tell you. You have to look at it by yourself. Don't hang up, alright?" She said.

"Okay." I nodded at the phone and said. I put the phone beside me and started checking the website of our school.

There's an article which was posted a few hours ago is going viral on the website. The topic writes 'Famous student dating a junior!' Wondering, I clicked in the link and started reading it.

Good news! After two months of not having any news about his love life...he's finally dating again! Who is he? Please look at this photo attached below!

The photo showed a boy and a girl kissing. The boy was having his hands on the wall, trapping the girl in between his arms. I was dumbfounded when I saw the photo.

Yes, you're right! The 'he' that we are talking about is none other than the famous one, Luhan! Luhan is a student in the first class of the third year. He is famous for his looks and also sports.

Our society, had been looking over for his love life for a long time, and finally, we found that he is dating, once again! This surely broke a lot of fangirls hearts, isn't it? We decided that this is the second biggest news about students' love life for this year. Of course, the first will still go to the rumor about Li Jiahui from third class of second year dating with a young CEO Zhang Yixing.

Let's take a look at the profile of the girl that Luhan is now dating.

The boy is Luhan, but the girl isn't me.

"Jiahui? Are you alright?" Xueyu asked from another line. I looked at the screen for a while and said, "I'm fine, Xueyu."

"Really?" She asked, not sure about it.

I just kept silent. I continued scrolled down the article and roughly read it. The junior, she surprised me. It was Yiying. None other than the Wang Yiying who admires Luhan.

"Xueyu-ah, I'll talk to you later. I have to make do something first." I told her. As soon as I ended the call, I texted Luhan.

Let's break up. Just three words.

I remember what they told me. If I ever find that Luhan is just playing with my feelings, I should dump him without any second thoughts.

And now, I am doing this.

A few minutes later, Luhan called.


"Jiahui, why do you want to break up? Is it because of the photos?" He asked.

"What photos?" I pretended I never know about it.

"Forget it. I just need to know, why are you breaking up?"

"I realized that I've never love you at all, Luhan." I told him. I have no idea how much it hurts to say this. Do I still love him when we started together? I still do. Sadly, I still love him.

"Jiahui, please listen to me. The photos, they're just nothing." He said.

"I should've believe in them from the start, that you're actually just playing with my feelings." I sighed and said.

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