Chapter 16

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Jiayi's university is in Xi'an. She went to the same university with Luhan and had left months ago. Since I wasn't planning to go far away from home, so I decided to apply for universities in Changsha.

According to my teachers, my results could get me till better universities in China, but I still insist in staying here.

It's actually a long distance from my house to the university. It takes about one and a half hour. My parents were planning to let me rent a room nearby the university or stay in the dorm of the university.

I talked about that with Yixing too and he told me that he has a house near the university and if I want I can stay there.

I rejected him. I don't want that it's just our first month being together yet I'm moving there, into HIS house. That is fast. And if I move into there, how should I tell my parents about the rental fees? Yixing will surely let me stay there for free.

The weather out there had started to turn cold, as it's nearing September. Yixing and I don't really go to much places while dating. We basically spend our time in cafés, or sometimes in the mall. But wherever we're going, there will be people who are looking at us, judging. I guess that this is because Yixing is a public figure.

It had been almost a month since we started dating. Xueyu was really happy to see that we are together. I was planning to find a job after graduation but I don't even have ideas on what to do.

Jingyi had been working in a restaurant after graduated. I visit her a lot of time as the foods there are really really nice. Crystal is working for her mother, helping her with paperwork.

Yixing joked about I can help him in the office but I know that it's just impossible as there wouldn't be a suitable job for me there. Well, he did said that I can help him in his office, such as help him to look for documents or make coffees. Yeah, something like secretary. He always complained about how his secretary couldn't even make a good coffee for him.

Honestly, when he told me that I thought about going there to help too but isn't it just too obvious? I mean, like it's just our first month together.

Zhengyao is stuck in his house to take care of his granny's dogs. He couldn't even go out now. Jingxiu found a job about IT and he's enjoying it. I'm not sure about Weiliang as he's actually the one who I don't contact much with among the six of us.

Xueyu doesn't even want to work. She's too lazy. I really envy her that she has an elder brother who loves her a lot.

Jiajun is getting frustrated every time when he's revising for next year exams. I really pity him. They've just about to start their last year yet he had to start working hard from now. He attended tuition and whenever he came back he'll lay in his bed lazily and sleep for a long time, then wake up and start doing his revisions. He wanted to get good results, just like how Jiayi did.

"I really think I should find something for me to do now." I held my chin with my hand as I told Yixing.

"Jiahui, you've been repeating that for a few weeks ever since you graduate." Yixing chuckled as he put down his documents. He got up from his seat and sat down beside me.

"You should come here. With that I can see you more frequent, instead of only seeing each other for once a week." He put his arms around my shoulder and told me.

"If I really came...there's nothing that I can do well. I can't even make coffees, Yixing."

"Never mind. Honestly, no one will order you to do anything." He chuckled.

"Why?" I frowned and asked.

"Jiahui, who will ask the future wife of the boss to do things for them? You should consider that." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

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