chapter 5

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Zayn POV

After kidnapping her . I took her in my room and lay her down on my bed . She is looking so beautiful . Her eyes , her long lashes , her cheeks , her nose and most importantly her ,IPS . I just fall in love with her all over again . She is looking so innocent and an angel descended from heaven only for me . Only reserved for me .

I got up and went to my study , not before locking my bedroom door . I ordered my men to make an marriage contract . They instantly do it . After all I am a mafia lord . No one ever dare say me no . I then ordered them to bring an imam for my nikkah . I smirk .

Zainab POV

Ahh . My head is paining and my eyes are not ready to be open . Finally after a lot of efforts I open them and look around me . I was in room . Look like in some men room . There are four doors . One for washroom , balcony and closet . And last for probably going out . I look in fort of me . There is a huge LCD placed on the wall . Wall are painted in dark brown colors . In the corner of the room is a table with a lot of papers scattered on it . And a chair . I instantly got scared .

I look at my self and saw I am in my wedding dress . My jewellery has been removed and my hairs has been opened . But thank god in am still in clothes . I look around and found a dressing table where all my jewellery and hair clips are .

I got up and run to wards the room door to open it . But its lock . I knock and scream but nothing happen . I was a mess now . I was crying and knocking hoping probably someone will hear me and help me .

"Please , open the door . Please . Is anyone there . Listen to me and open the door . Please someone help me " I was now crying .

Suddenly the door open and 'cause I was leaning on it . I stumbled back . When I regain my balance I look at the person . He is the same person who kidnap me . I saw him .

"Who are you ?? Why you brought me hear " I asked while crying .

"Let's sit down and talk , shall we " he smirk looking at me . I feel disgust . I shook my head in negative .

"I will n-" I couldn't complete my sentence because he brutally dragged me to the front of the bed and forcefully made me sat on it .

"Don't ever , and I mean ever try to talk back to me " he said in the very evil way possible . He sat in the chair near the table not before bring that chair a little to me from where I am .

Zayn POV

I don't want to listen anyone talking back at me . I feel really bad for yelling at her . Of course she would be angry after all I have kidnap her.

" why you have kidnap me ?? " she weep . I am right now is feeing very guilty .

"Listen girl , I want you as my wife . As you like it or not . I will be back in half an hour with the imam . Till then fix your self girl "

"I will not marry you " she stand up from the bed and yell at me .

"You will . Or else I will kill your anut " I smirk . Now she have no choice but to do as I say .

"Why are you bringing her into this ?? I said I will not Mary you . Its final " she said determined .

"Okay , but you ask for this " I stand up ready . I took my phone out of my pocket and was about call my one most faithful and trusted man when she stopped me with her hand on my arm .

"Okay . I promised I'll don't as you say . Please don't hurt her . She is innocent " so is you , I thought.

"Then fix your self" I said and walk out of the room .

After an hour

"Now everyone joined your together to make a dua(prayer) for this couple .... " the nikkah has been done . Now the imam is make dual for us . I look toward my now wife. I just love her .

Soon this ended and the imam and others have been escorted out of the room . The imam and men left . I order everyone not to disturb me on the night . Until and unless its really very important. I came back in my room to found it empty . But soon heard shower running . Means she is in bath .
Now she is only mine . She will always be remain by my side .

Soon I heard bathroom door opened and there she is standing in all her glory . I look toward her and instantly got mesmerized by her beauty . She is drying her hairs with a towel . She look lost . She was looking at the floor while drying her hair . After what look like forever. She finally say something .

"Why me ?? " she asked looking at me with a very sad face . When I didn't understand her question. I frown at her . She took that as a response and continued "what have I ever done to you ? I never ever harm anyone in my life . Why me ?? What have a ever done to deserve this ? "

"Simple its your beauty that attract me to you . I love you . I want you . I need you . You are meant to be mine and mine alone " I said looking one hundred percent serious.

She put the towel on its place and stood still as not knowing what to do . I my drawer and took out a blood red velvet box in a square shape . I took it to her .

"Come" I said . But as usual she shook her head no . So , I forcefully took her with me and made her stand in fort of the mirror .

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A/N hello and salam . Hope you like the story uptil here . Please do vote and comment . It means a lot to me .......

Picture of her wedding dress will be given to you in upcoming chapter .

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