Chapter Twelve

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The wonderful scent of bacon lured me out of bed and into the kitchen.

"Morning, babe."

I had to rub my eyes to make sure I was seeing this correctly. Someone was in my kitchen cooking. I couldn't remember the last time the stove was used for anything. Although I might have used it to cook ramen a few months ago. Honestly, I was surprised that the stove even still worked.

"What's this?" I asked, still groggy.

"Can we keep him, please?" Ivy asked like Chris was a puppy we'd found on the side of the road, mouth full of eggs.

Chris had began to make his way into our lives over the last couple months. He spent the night at least once or twice a week, but he was usually up hours before I was so he had never made breakfast before. To my relief, Ivy had taken a liking to him right away and thank god she never brought up Tristan. Sometimes they even ganged up against me in an argument.

"I can't make breakfast for my girlfriend?" He asked, holding out a plate with an omelet on it. "Besides, you two need real food at least once in a while."

That wasn't fair. I brought home leftovers from the pub all the time. Sure, it wasn't breakfast food, but who didn't want burgers and fries for breakfast? Okay, so maybe Chris had a point.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, the director is sick so James gave the whole studio the day off."

That sounded nice. For the last two weeks I'd been insanely busy. Principal Redman had lived up to her word and pulled a few strings to get me the job as the school district photographer. Even though the photographer position made a little more money than I did at the pub, I promised I would stick it out there until Mitchell left. Jack Kingsley officially took it over next year. So for the last couple weeks I was working for the school district 8 to 4 (talk about fucking with my sleep schedule) and then heading straight to the pub right afterward. I don't know how I would survive without Principal Redman helping with Ivy. I just had to get through the rest of this week and school would be out for winter break. After that I had a week and a half left at the pub before I had to say goodbye. I had decided to leave it, despite growing to love the people as a second family. Half the people were going to leave anyway. And I just could not survive working for someone like Jack Kingsley. Fortunately now I had a salary job so I could afford to leave.

"What are you going to do all day?" I asked, stuffing my face with egg.

"I thought I'd play around with a script I've been working on," he said, using tongs to place a couple pieces of bacon onto my plate.

"Ohh, the mysterious script," Ivy intercepted between bites.

We had both been hearing about this script since we'd gotten back together, but he refused to let anyone see it. He'd been like this since high school. Even when I was actually in the home made movie that he was filming, he wouldn't let me see it until he had labored over every detail and perfected it.

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