You're Sherlock! No, I'm not!

Start from the beginning

« What is it? It's looked like a door in an oval form.» you thought, curiosity took a grasp upon instinct and you moved even closer until a horn made you turned around. You shrieked, your heart pounding furiously in your chest.

« God, why people can't drive carefully ? » you muttered, pushing behind your ear a strand of hair. Suddenly you saw a dark silhouette coming out of a metal door, slapping wide open and getting out. The rifle on its shoulder, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. Your eyes locked and you stepped back, unaware you were getting closer to the portal. The man immediately grabbed a gun in his holster and aimed at you, ready to stop your beating hearts for good. You didn't think twice, you turned around and jumped in the blazing circle, closing your eyes in the process.

« I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die , I'm gonna die» was the only thought echoing in your head.

Standing motionless, you waited for the pain to pierce your skin but nothing happened. You carefully opened your eyes to see you were not in the street anymore but in a temple ! Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open.

« Am I dreaming ? This can't be happening ? Is this the afterworld ? » you thought, looking around you.

The large room was silent, just the small smoke of a burning tea lingered in the air and you approached the set of tea, curious. The smell of green tea tickled your nostrils and you hummed in delight. You delicately grabbed the China cup after having served yourself some tea when you heard footsteps coming to your spot. A deep voice which sends shivers down your spine and made your belly butterflies broke the silence:

« Who are you ? »

You turned around, smiling warmly :

« Sherlock! You're never going to believe what happened to me! I... » your words stopped flying out of your lips when you saw it wasn't your friend standing in front of you.

Well, not exactly Sherlock.

He looks like him, exactly like a twin, however, the glimmer of his eyes was different from Sherlock's.

He was wearing a tight dark blue tunic, boots of the same colour and a very energetic crimson cloak. You tilted your head to the side, astonished. You observed him, taking a step closer to his confused air. It was quite rare to see an air of confusion on Sherlock, because he was the one who knows everything ( except the solar system). His sharp cheekbones glistened with the sun rays, which were enlighted by his beard. His tousled hair was sliced back and two white strands caught your eyes. He was quite handsome dressed like a magician and you had to confess that this outfit suits him very very good. You blinked a few times before speaking:

« You're Sherlock ! »

He shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest .

« No, I'm not. Who are you ? »

You walked around him, examining his outfit.

« Are we on a case ? Is it a new battle suit ? Does it involve to dress like a superhero for a comic con ? I can wear the Black Widow outfit if you want.»

The stranger smirked at you, clearly imagining you in the suit, curving you perfectly.

« I wouldn't mind. Now, answer me : Who are you ? »

You stood in front of him, puzzled by his insistence.

« It's me, Y/N, don't you recognise me ? »

He looked at you for a while and you thought he was probably deducing you, like usual.

« No. I'm Doctor Strange. Doctor Stephen Strange. Nice to meet you Y/N. Now that the introductions are made, would you be kind enough to tell me how did you get here ? I cast few protection spells on the sanctum. »

Doctor Strange X Reader First BookWhere stories live. Discover now