There already!

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You are there! You and Edd pack up and set foot on the island and breathe the fresh salty air.

You get a rental car and drive to the hotel you two are staying at. When you arrive you check in and get room service.

"Can we get 2 Colas, 2 big bags of Doritos and some 326...'Kay thanks" You overhear Edd on the phone.

"Where is the remote?" you ask Edd.

"Oh, I have" he tosses it to you.

You flick on the telly and find a good channel.


" stomach hurts" you run to the bathroom and puke.

Then you look in the mirror. I need to lay off the junk food.


You had packed a pregnancy test just in case and packed it in your purse discreetly.

"ITS POSITIVE" you scream.

"What is?" Edd walks in the room.

You show it to him.

"Oh JESUS!" You two scream. Then you puke again.

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