Lemmy's Rollathon

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(The adventurers stared at Lemmy and Motley and they stared back with stern faces, whilst Ballyhoo and Big Top landed on Ballyhoo's head, they were enjoying the tension.)

MC Ballyhoo: Please, carry on!

Big Top: Yeah it's so dramatic like the tv show Koopa Towers.

Motley: Shut up.

(Motley bashed the top of Big Top slamming on Ballyhoo's head.)

Sammy: Seriously, what is everyone's problem with that TV show!

Motley: I know right!

Big Top: Hey! That's unfair how come you get to speak and we don't!

Mc Ballyhoo: Yeah!

(Motley raised his fist at the two and then they looked down scared)

Mario: So you won't give us the star...

Lemmy: No! Daddy wants m to keep it, so you can't have it! Anyway, you stole my friends!

Mario: Lemmy, that star is mine!

Lemmy: If you want it so bad, then come and get it!

(Lemmy walked to a large orange ball with stars on it, the ball made a twinkling sound)

Lemmy: Motley, will you do the honours, please...

Motley: (Making his way to the ball) Certainly master...

(Motley held the ball, then suddenly the ball and Motley morphed creating silver bubbles the bubbles multiplied and got bigger, their faces were gobsmacked at the strange reaction until eventually, the ball became enormous and Motley disappeared.Now there was a massive ball and Lemmy was on it, the Adventurers were terrified!)

Luigi: What the heck should we do!!!

(Lemmy started running on the ball, making it move)

Mario: Run!!!!

(The Adventurers ran for their lives out of the tent into the tunnel, they were panting and Lemmy was hot on their tracks.)

Mario: (Panting) Tommy, What's our chances of surviving!

Tommy: (Panting) How clever do you think I am! I don't have a calculator... But probably a 1 in 16 chance!

Mario: (Panting) Ok, guys I'm sorry for the inconvenience I have made for you all! I'm sorry Yoshi!

Yoshi: (Panting) I'm sorry as well... I should stop being a nagger!

(They emerged from the tunnel and they're were surrounded by the Deserted Star Carnival.)

Lemmy: Motley! Bigger Please!

Motley: Yes master!

(The ball inflated and Lemmy became faster, the Adventurers were sweating and they were coming towards the hill.)

Tommy: (Panting) Oh no!

Sammy: (Panting) What?

Tommy: (Panting) We're going to go down hill!

Sammy: (Panting)  What does that mean?

Tommy: (Panting) That means they're going to go really fast!

(They started going downhill and sprinted for their lives, as the ball was extremely close! Mario was starting to run out of stamina and the Ball was in touching distance, leading him to disappear.)

Adventurers: (Panting) Mario!!!

(They were still running Tommy was in front as he was the fastest adventurer, although he tripped over the grassy hill as he was too fast.)

Tommy: (Panting) Don't save me just run!!!

Sammy: (Panting) But...

Tommy: (Panting) Otherwise we will all be goners!

(The adventurers reluctantly passed Tommy and he was also run over by the ball, leading him to disappear as well.)

Luigi: (Panting) This is awful!

(Eventually, they got to the end of the hill and were approaching a nearby village.)

Lemmy: (Laughing) This is all too fun!!!

(They arrived at the village and toads were dotted around they saw the ball and ran out of the way letting the adventurers and the ball past.)

Luigi: (Panting) There's Mushroom Gorge in the distance...

(Luigi lost concentration and disappeared into the ball as well! Sammy and Yoshi were sprinting and then they saw a sign for Mushroom Gorge which they zoomed past and Lemmy was still just behind them!)

Lemmy: No way am I giving up that easily! You will all be gone!

(Lemmy waved his wand and summoned balls that he tried to fire on Yoshi and Sammy)

Sammy: Ahhh!!

(They dodged and went away from the balls, and had to bounce on two Large red Toadstools, to get to the other side. Lemmy summoned more balls, luckily Yoshi and Sammy dodged them again. Now there were five large toadstools which they had to jump on.)

Yoshi: Oh no...

(They bounced on each toadstool one by one, although Lemmy was still firing balls at them, until one stricken Yoshi, making him fall on one of the Toadstools, the ball quickly made him disappear as well. Sammy managed to get to the other side of the toadstool, however, he was in fear, as he was the only one left. They entered inside the gorge, where there was a green and red path of Toadstools. The Green Path was smaller, however, closer, whilst the red path was larger although further. He decided to take the red path.)

Sammy: (Muttering) Please let this work...

(With all his might, Sammy bounced on a red toadstool skipping a few toadstools and kept on doing this until he reached the other side, while Lemmy was doing each toadstool individually. On the other side, Sammy hastily got his trusty bat and ball out he observed the angles of where he could hit Lemmy, then he threw the ball into the air and smashed the ball which directly hit Lemmy in the stomach and he fell on the ball and disappeared.)

Sammy: Ahhhh!!!

(Sammy dived out the way, once the ball was on the other side and the ball rolled at an incredible speed into the toadstool stalk and the ball exploded. Motley went flying into the distance and slammed onto the ground. Then, the adventurers and Lemmy flew out, directly sliding in front of Sammy along the ground groaning.)

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