The Mysterious Man

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(They came to the dining room, where there were a grand oak table and earthy chairs that surrounded it, with table mats of farm animals. Daisy and Tatanga sat at one end of the table, while Waluigi and Luigi sat at the other end of the large table. Whilst Buttons stayed standing)

Buttons: I will obtain the dinner...

(Buttons strode to the kitchen to fetch the dinner)

Luigi: (Speaking softly) Give it up Waluigi, what's the plan.

Waluigi: What do you mean?

Luigi: (Speaking softly) There's always some dastardly plan when you're around. Why are you here?

Waluigi: (Speaking softly) I'm just offering my support to Lord Tatanga...

(Luigi looked very suspicious of Waluigi)

Luigi: (Speaking softly) What is it your new job?

Waluigi: (Speaking softly) No... He is just a friend, well you could say he is more of client...

(Waluigi smiled at Luigi, which he did not reciprocate. Then Buttons entered the room, with another silver platter, however this time it had 5 plates of salad and meatloaf, which he served to everyone and then one to himself. He sat down near Tatanga and Daisy)

Buttons: You may tuck in...

(Everyone started to eat. At one side of the table, Tatanga was discussing topics with Buttons and Daisy glanced longing at Tatanga. Luigi stared at the other end of table)

Waluigi: (Speaking softly) Unlucky...

Luigi: (Speaking softly)  What do you mean? (Regaining focus)

Waluigi: (Speaking softly)  You're so jealous... (Laughing softly) It's hilarious...

Luigi: (Speaking softly) No I'm not. 

Waluigi: (Speaking softly) Oh shut up... You and I both know the truth...

Luigi: (Speaking softly) Fine... It's true, but it's also you guys... I really don't trust that handsome man nor you for that matter...

(Everyone had finished their lunch, Buttons collected the plates onto the silver platter to wash)

Buttons: If you excuse me... I must wash the plates...

(Buttons went to the kitchen with the plates and Daisy raised from her chair and followed him)

Tatanga: I will get my coat...

Waluigi: I will assist you, my lord...

(They both left the dinner table and now it was only Luigi left, he wrote a letter to the adventurers, telling him about his experiences at Moo Moo Manor and for them to come and collect him, he grabbed the letter and made his way outside, although he stopped behind the doorway when he observed Waluigi and Tatanga talking and he quickly grabbed his phone out and quickly decided to record their conversation.)

Tatanga: It's going well isn't it Waluigi!

Waluigi: Yes, indeed it is...

Tatanga: Once we marry Sarasaland will be mine!

Waluigi: Yes! What will you do with Daisy?

Tatanga: Hmm... Well... I'd probably bribe her off for money and even more power! By the way, tell thanks to King Boo when you next see him you really are a good private agent for the King.

Waluigi: Please...

(Luigi's face was shocked by the conversation and tried not to yell)

Tatanga: Well... We better get going I don't want this potion to wear off.

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