Infiltrating Koopa Cape

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 Floshi: I swear she was over 60 years old.

Yoshi: She was 84 from what I remember.

(They all laughed in response. The adventurers came to a cliff with mossy rocks that lay by and beneath was Yoshi Lake, with an island in the middle covered with humongous turtle shells, being guarded with Koopa's and an even larger green shell in the center of the island, with futuristic windows. It was now night time.)

Sammy: That's massive!

Yoshi: What has happened to this place?

Floshi: I don't know... No one really knows...

Sammy: What are we going to do? How is this even possible?

Mario: Well... we just go and infiltrate it.

Tommy: But surely we need a disguise of some sort... If they find us then we'll be goners.

Yoshi: I have an idea!

Adventurers: What?!

Yoshi: Luckily! Lots of Boomerang flowers grow in this area! I even came from a family of Boomerang Flower Farmers. And I bet you (Sniffing) that I can find boomerang flowers somewhere...

(Yoshi goes scouting around for Boomerang flowers and his scent of smell leads him to a rock, where there are 8 boomerang flowers)

Yoshi: Found them! There is enough for everyone!

Sammy: Brilliant! Thanks, Yoshi!

(Yoshi distributes the Boomerang flowers out to the adventurers and they all take a bite)

Tommy: Wow I like these, they have a kind of zingy flavor!

(They all transform)

Mario: Now that we're ready, let's do this!

Floshi: Right! Hop onto my back!

(They all hop onto Floshi's back, Floshi inflates himself and they flutter to the Island) 

(Floshi landed behind a hut, they all hopped his back and peered around the hut crouching, in the distance guards were patrolling around the island with poleaxes or ray guns)

Mario: (Whispering) Right we're going to need a cover story.

(They all try to think of a cover story when suddenly they are approached by 2 guards)

Guard 1: Halt right there!

(The adventurers stand to attention)

Tommy: (Stuttering) Sorry sir... we a.a.are looking for D.d.d.dome...

Guard 2: For what cause?

(There was a long pause and the adventurers were shaking due to the intimidating guards)

Tommy: (Stuttering) S.s.s.s.sorry what did you say...

Guard 1: ( Bellowing) He said What is your cause!

Tommy: (Stuttering) We are... We are... (Glancing at a generator in the corner of his eyes) (Reassured) Maintenace workers! We are Maintenance workers! We need to do a quick Monthly check on the machines... We were sent by Bowser Junior...

(The guards shared look with each other and the Adventurers were nervous by Tommy's response)

Guard 1: (Suprised) Okay then... Right, this way...

(The guard's march synchronized into the largest of the huts with a glass dome as a roof and a futuristic metal door as the entrance. The adventurers followed them through the door and inside there was a huge glass tube which was underwater, with a stream running through it. They were nervously twitching whilst following the guards, partly due to the consequences that lay ahead and also due to the huge sea monsters that lurked the ocean swimming by the glass tubes. Eventually they all gasped when they saw the machine that lay ahead and the gargantuan crate of yoshi eggs which lay by. The machine would churn yoshi eggs into these bottled formulas stored in a huge container in the machine, which would then clone lots of koopas from the koopa that was strapped inside the machine. There were human and koopa scientists and one human scientist had a helmet with a visor and a glowing red eye, moreover a ginger pointy moustache)

Dr Crygor: We need more yoshi eggs fast! Where are the collectors?

Scientist 1: Sorry sir we haven't seen them for a while...

Guard 1: (Interrupting) Doctor, these are the maintenance workers to do their monthly check up.

Dr. Crygor: (Interrupting) You are a very arrogant young man, can't you see I'm doing work!

(The Guard marched up to Dr. Crygor and whispered into his ear)

Guard 1: They were sent by Bowser Junior.

Dr. Crygor: (Looking down on the adventurers) Fine! But be quick!

(The adventurers scrambled to the machine and grabbed the spanner and pretending to check the machine, although actually eyeing the crate of yoshi eggs)

Mario: (Whispering) Pssst. Sammy. Tommy.

(Sammy and Tommy looked at Mario alarmed)

Mario: (Whispering) Can you sneak behind the crate and gradually push it?

(Sammy and Tommy nodded at Mario, they looked to see if anyone was looking at them and then when safe, they snuck behind the crate and with all their might tried to push it, then Floshi and Yoshi joined them and pushed the crate a far distance making as little noise as possible. Although their luck had run out, when Yoshi accidentally dropped his spanner on the floor and all their heads turned towards him and the crate.)

Dr. Crygor: (Screeching) Seize them!!!

(Mario threw his boomerang at 2 of the guards which hit them knocking them down and ran towards the crate, whilst the others were pushing it out of the area. The guards chased after them with their weapons at the ready, however, Mario flung his boomerang again, again and again hitting them one by one. Though much to his dismay, there were too many for him, so Sammy stopped pushing and helped to strike the guards with his boomerangs. They were successful, as they reached the underwater tube and the exit was in their sight.)

Dr. Crygor: That's it! Release the Hammer Bros.!!

( A squad of hammer bros. suddenly emerged and their hammers started flying towards them, Mario and Sammy dodged and still trying to throw their boomerangs at the Enemies although the Hammer Bros. were too quick and agile. All of a sudden 1 hammer managed to hit Floshi on the head making him fall to the ground dazed)

Yoshi: (Screaming, running towards him and letting go of the crate as well) Floshi!!

(Yoshi checked whether he was okay, Floshi was dazed and injured although not unconscious. Yoshi picked Floshi and carried him on his back and carried on pushing the crate, Mario and Sammy were now throwing the boomerangs energetically annihilating a lot of enemies, including Hammer Bros, some fell into the stream running through. Then they both couldn't fight anymore so Mario ran to assist the crate and Sammy decided to pick up a hammer and smash the side of the glass tube causing more water to flood in and alarming the sea monsters)

Hammer Brother 1: Seamonsters!!!! Run!!!

(Suddenly a huge eel came crashing through the tube, causing the glass tube to burst as it chased the koopas around the building. Sammy sprinted to the crate and they were now so close to the exit, with stars in their eyes. However, all of a sudden, Dr. Crygor came flying on his Hovercraft and jumped in front of them holding them at gun point with a white scoped ray gun which he held over the glowing red dotted eye.)

Dr. Crygor: Your brother has been telling me all about you Mario! You wretch!

(He was stopped just before he was about to fire the gun, as Tommy flew the boomerang into his helmet causing him to fall into his hovercraft. The adventurers managed to run the crate over the Doctor and then Floshi was put down still injured as they gently put the crate on his back and the adventurers ashe flew off back to the cliff away from Koopa Cape.)

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