The Perplex Express

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(They arrived at the train station, it was a rustic train station  with black iron bars dotted around and a stone platform)

Mario: Right, everyone get your tickets ready?

(They each showed their tickets)

Mario: Good! Now here comes the train!

(A black steam train rolls on the rails and then brakes at the platform, with the purple fancy writing of Perplex Express on the train. A shy Guy with a blue cap stepped out of the train with a ticket drawer)

Ticket guy: Tickets, please! (Muttering to self) Love saying that.

Luigi: (Handing ticket) Here you go, sir!

Ticket Guy: Thank you very much!

(The rest, handed their tickets and got on the train. On the train, there were lots of cabins, with red carpets and also dining tables were dotted around with scented candles illuminating the rooms)

Sammy: Wow this place is so classy!

Yoshi: No way! It's... It's... Holly Koopa

(In the distance there was a koopa with a large pink hat and an even bigger white feather coming out of it)

Mario: Who is she?

Yoshi: Oh she's on the reality TV show Hotel Koopa, she owns the hotel.

Tommy: Oh yeah! I've seen that a few times, what did you think when Darren and Stacey kissed!

Yoshi: OMG! That was so dramatic!

Sammy: Guy's...

(Yoshi and Tommy looked at Sammy shamefully)

Sammy: That bit was so good!

(Mario gives a light sigh, then widens his eyes at Holly)

Mario: Wait a second! She's in distress, does she need any help?

Sammy: I'm sure it's fine...

(Holly slumped on her chair and put her hands on her head)

Sammy: Fine... We can't get a break anywhere, can we...

(They all staggered towards the celebrity, whilst fiddling their fingers in fright, Holly raised her head)

Holly: (Irritated) Yes... What is it? 

Mario: Sorry Miss... We were...

Holly: Oh you should call me Dame Holly Koopa... I was knighted the other week...

Mario: Oh sorry... But are you alright?

Holly: Well... I have lost my handbag!

(Yoshi kneels down and clasps his hands)

Yoshi: (Begging) Oh please! Please! Can I have an Autograph! I will find your handbag!

Holly: Oh fine... You may have one of my amazing autographs, however only if you find my handbag.

Yoshi: Yes... It shall be found!

(Yoshi starts sniffing around until the scent got extremely strong near an arcade machine, where a boy in a blue hood was playing)

Yoshi: Errm... Excuse me... have you seen a handbag?

(The boy turned around showing his ghostly face, as he was, in fact, a Boo!)

Boy: Go on then if you dare!

(The boy vanished through the arcade machine and Yoshi burst through the door and saw him running away, his clogs clicked the ground as he chased after him through cabin to cabin, trying to not make a scene whilst running after him. After passing through 3 cabins, they arrived in the kitchen cart, however, the boy suddenly disappeared and the chefs stared awkwardly at Yoshi, as he giggled his cheeks turned red, although noticing that the cabin shaft at the top of the cabin was opened, making Yoshi flutter up through the shaft onto the roof of the train where he saw the blue hooded boy, they both looked each other in the eye.)

Boy: Give it up! Dragon, I'm agile and I can disappear you will never catch me!

Yoshi: We will see about that!

(The boy ran away jumping from cart to cart, as he was pursued by Yoshi, Yoshi struck his tongue at him again and again, trying to catch the boy, until eventually the tongue caught around his ankle forcing him to the ground again and dropping the handbag. Yoshi grabbed him and the handbag into the shaft below to get out of danger.)

Boy: (Handing the bag) Fine here you go! You win I suppose...

Yoshi: Hey sorry to ask but who are you?

Bandit: My name is Bandit... I was a teenager a while back... Until the train faulted... Ever since I have haunted this train... Playing these Arcade games and stealing things to survive... Only a few notice me... But I hate being this...

Yoshi: Well... Why don't you escape from it...

Bandit: But how?

Yoshi: Be free, run and be the person who you want to be, you can't be like this for the rest of the afterlife.

Bandit: But... I have to prove myself

Yoshi: Well prove yourself, I believe you can do it!

Bandit: Thanks, green guy! Your quite cool and here's the bag back!

(Bandit slowly hands over the bag)

Yoshi: Thank you!

(Yoshi returned to the others and Holly Koopa, with a glee expression on his face)

Yoshi: Here is the bag, with everything in it! Now please may I have your autograph!

Holly: (Observing the bag) Wow! It looks like you have done a pretty good job! Well done! You can have my autograph and I will also throw in some items that were given to me, here are 4 Boomerang suits, actually 5... Just in case you lose one...

Mario: Wow thank you! We are obliged!

Holly: This is my stop... Goodbye.

(Holly walked snootily out of the train)

Tommy: Well there's a table over there...

Sammy: Yes...

Tommy: How about a game of happy families!

Yoshi: Yeah why not!

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