Jack's blue eyes go from pained to full on hurt when Mark lowers the gun, his brown eyes refusing to look at the Irish man, despite the man's ocean blue eyes that bore into him, disbelieving.


Jack murmurs softly, his voice drowned out by the creaky building. Mark says nothing as PJ walks forward again, a smile curling around his mouth, clearly pleased with the man's decision.

"That's what I thought. I knew you couldn't have really cared for some scumbag like him."

As that last sentence exits PJ's mouth Mark's lip curls back into a small snarl, and without warning the gun lifts again, and a bang rings out.

PJ's mouth opens wide as he looks down, the fabric around his stomach staining with a deep red. His hand instantly goes down and clutches the wound as he falls to his knees, a small scream escaping him as blood pools around his hand, dripping to the floor.

Jack watches the man surprised, and Mark himself seemed surprised he'd actually shot. His anger had gotten the best of him it seemed.

The black haired man quickly wipes the surprise from his face, replacing it with a cold glare as he raises the gun, aiming the barrel at the Brit's head who looks back at him, his green eyes pleading.

"Mark... don't do this..."

The British man pleads softly, his voice strained as blood pours from his wound, though Mark seemed to show no pity towards him, pure hatred shining in his brown eyes.

"Give me one good reason not to..."

Mark growls in response, his finger grazing the trigger menacingly, Jack having stayed quiet, clearly prepared to go with whatever Mark decided, whether it be to turn him in, or kill PJ. Jack would accept.

The British officer looks over to Jack for a split second, desperate for help before back at the black haired man, the one who was prepared to blow his brains out, and frankly wasn't bothered by it.

"Mark please... This isn't you. You're a good guy..."

PJ speaks softly, his voice growing weaker with each word though he continues to speak, refusing to just let Mark kill him, struggling to sway him onto his side, what he saw as the right side.

"Listen, I can help you... think this through Mark..."

Mark watches the man, a part of him saying to pull the trigger, to end it, but another part telling him to join the Brit. Of course Mark wanted his old life back, who wouldn't. He liked being the good guy, he liked being able to help the world. If Mark hadn't met Jack, he wouldn't be a wanted felon, Mark was supposed to arrest the Irish man, but he fell for him.

Then again, despite all the bad Jack had done, he'd done good too. Mark thinks back, to all the times the loud Irish man made him laugh, all the times he made him blush, every single time he made fun of him, every time he saved his life. Of course it wasn't the perfect life, but as long as he had Jack, it didn't matter, and no matter what, Mark wouldn't betray his love.

"I have..."

The black haired man responds finally, his finger squeezing the trigger until a bang echoes through the old building and PJ falls dead where he sat, red staining the nearby walls and floor.

Mark drops the gun staring at the scene in front of him, his brown eyes drained of emotion. He jumps as he feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around to meet the ocean blue eyes of Jack, who looked at him, his face emotionless if it weren't for the bit of worry that laced his irises.

Jack says nothing, his eyes going to the bloody man once before back to Mark, trailing over his face and soon down to his hands, though he looked calm, his hands shook, showing how truly upset up he truly was about what he'd done. The Irish man hesitantly reaches forward, taking the black haired man's hand in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze and trying to give him comfort.

Typically it was Jack who was shaken up at the sight of blood, however he was strangely calm, forcing any emotions away to provide comfort for his love who needed it.

"We should go...."

Jack finally says, tugging the man's hand gently towards the exit, Mark follows saying nothing still, pulling his gaze away from the bloody scene and towards the exit. Jack holds out his hand offering to drive the car but Mark shakes his head, climbing into PJ's car, one that wouldn't be recognized as him, and starts it up Jack climbing into the passenger side.

They drive off as sirens can barely be heard in the distance, clearly the backup PJ had most definitely called beforehand. They were a bit too late however, PJ was no longer a problem.

"Where too now...?"

Mark finally speaks, his voice emotionless, and frankly a bit dark, but Jack doesn't pay much attention to that, he'd been through a lot, it was understandable.

"I don't know... We need to get out of the country... But maybe we could you know... do a job? I mean we need some money..."

Jack suggests, a small mischievous grin curling onto his face. Honestly Jack expected Mark to immediately refuse the idea, but his response truly surprises Jack, that surprise soon turning to pure excitement.

"Let's do it."

Mark responds, the small grin that followed making the Irish man smile as well, his blue eyes showing pure love towards the black haired man who looks back with the same emotion.

"So I suppose this makes us partners then?"

Jack question, reaching his hand out slightly, ignoring his wounded shoulder which he planned to wrap soon. Mark smiles and meets him halfway, squeezing the man's hand tightly and staring into his blue eyes, his own happy, happy with his decision, happy with his new life.

"Partners in Crime."

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