Hello Again

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(((Hey guys, it's 2 am for me right now, but here's today's chapter anyway because I can't sleep :D )))

Mark's eyes slowly open, his vision blurred and his head ringing, a painful lump on the top of it. The first thing Mark see's is the British cop shaking him awake, and finally releasing a sigh when seeing the man's brown eyes open.

"Bout damn time... Thought you might've died..."

PJ mutters standing up from the bed and seeming to not care. Mark doesn't respond and sits up, finally realizing he was not only on the bed, but cuffed to it, with the same cuffs that had been used on Jack.

"Son of a bitch."

Mark mutters under his breath with a small smile as the Brit digs around the room, searching for the handcuff keys and not hearing Mark, nor seeing his smile. As PJ searches Mark reaches up with his free hand, feeling his head, and wincing as his fingers brush the lump on his scalp, a bit of blood being felt as well, though not enough to worry.

Mark looks over to the brown haired man again as he searches the doors of the bedside table, smiling triumphantly as he pulls out the handcuff's keys, but also a note, the note making his smile drop.

Once the Brit reads it Mark grabs it from him and stifles a smile as he reads the messy handwriting, easily identifiable as Jack's.

Nice try copper, you almost had me!

Mark could almost hear the Irish man's cocky laugh as he reads it. Soon enough Mark is uncuffed, the release from the metal cuff a small relief. Though his head still pounded, his vision occasionally going in and out of focus.

"Son of a bitch hits hard..."

Mark mutters under his breath, a small smile to his undertone, though PJ doesn't seem to notice, too distracted by his own stress.

"So what the hell happened?"

The British man finally asks turning to Mark once again, who rubbed his head gently. Mark sighs and shakes his head slightly, before responding, his voice strained as even talking was quite the task.

"Well he had to use the bathroom so I uncuffed him... and he hit me over the head... you know the rest."

Mark explains, not fully lying, but also not telling the whole story, stifling a grin as PJ growled.

"Dammit... Why didn't you just wait till I got back!"

PJ yells, Mark winces, his already pounding head made worse by the man's loud tone.

"First of all.... don't yell... my head hurts enough as it is..."

Mark begins calmly after a few seconds, his brown eyes shooting glares of annoyance at the brown haired man.

"Secondly, it's not like I knew he would knock me out."

Mark finishes, this time telling a blatant lie, he knew damn well Jack was capable of it, and let him do it. Though of course he regretted it slightly, the pain in his head making it hard to concentrate.

"Great... now because of you we need to stay here even longer..."

PJ growls softly, plopping down on his bed angrily. Mark looks at him and raises an eyebrow.

"What if he leaves here?"

Mark asks simply, he knew Jack would leave, and wanted to be sure PJ didn't catch up to him too quickly.

Secrets (Sequel to Danger In Love)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora