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((Hey guys I'm back! :) I've gotten better thankfully. I just want to say real quick thank you all for being so patient, and so kind! You were all so understanding for my situation and I could not be more thankful! Anyway I'll stop rambling now, on with the story!))

A few days pass by and Mark had gone through the same cycles. Looking at his phone for any messages, occasionally being called in to the police station, and PJ getting no closer to finding the Irish man he hunted.

Jack was of course always one step ahead, and occasionally it seemed as though he knew what was going to happen before it did.


PJ mutters under his breath. Mark was at the police station once again, and frankly he was sick of it. Sick of all the officers, sick of PJ's accent, just sick of living this life. Though he tried to stay optimistic, and he always laughed when Jack managed to upset the British Investigator.

Today PJ had thought he tracked down Jack, only to be disappointed yet again, as Jack had eluded his clutches.

Mark smirks slightly, as he watches the Brit in front of his computer, seeming as though he resisted the urge to toss it against the nearest wall. Soon enough Mark feel's his phone buzz in his pocket, he narrows his eyes and cautiously pulls it out of his pocket, no one typically messaged him. He looks down at a message from an unknown number.

Meet me at the warehouse again.

Mark reads in his head before quickly turning his phone off and shoving it in his pocket, earning a distrustful glance from PJ.

"Who was that...?"

PJ questions quietly, noticing how quickly Mark had shut the phone.

"No one.... Just...."

Mark begins, his mind racing for something.

"Just a friend from work... not important."

Mark says, forcing a small smile, resisting the urge to look away from the Brits accusing gaze. PJ glares at him before shaking his head and turning back to his computer, making Mark release a silent sigh of relief and silently curse Cry for texting him at such a time.

"So PJ..."

Mark finally says after a long silence had stretched between the two.

"Do you need me or can I go home?"

Mark questions simply, keeping his voice as monotone as possible. PJ turns his head once again, his green eyes looking at the red haired man who stood.

"Why do you want to leave so early...?"

The brown haired man questions, still clearly suspicious about Mark's text as was evident by his eyes which occasionally glanced at Mark's pocket, where the phone sat.

"It's just.... I just have a lot of stuff to do tonight... you know laundry, dishes, mopping, stuff like that."

Mark quickly responds, shrugging slightly at the end. Thankfully the Brit didn't pick up on his lie and simply shrugs waving the half-Korean away.

"Yah yah whatever, just come back tomorrow morning...."

PJ states simply, turning to face the screen again to finish whatever he was trying to do, Mark wasn't really sure. The red haired man walks out and releases a breath, thankful that either his lying skills were that good, or PJ was that stupid. Maybe it was a little of both.

Soon enough Mark deletes the text from his phone and climbs into his car, driving straight to the warehouse from before, where he had met Cry for the first time.

Secrets (Sequel to Danger In Love)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon